Name Courses
Abols, Gesta
Adjunct Professor
Ahmad, Imran
Adjunct Professor
Al Chawaf, Arij
Anstis, Siena
Name Courses
Balasundaram, Prasanna
Bandali, Sabrina
Adjunct Professor
Bass, Spencer
Adjunct Professor
Battista, Michael
The Honourable Mr. Justice
Bennett, Chris
Adjunct Professor
Binhammer, Lauren
Adjunct Professor
Bird, Kathryn
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Birdsell, Mary
Asper Centre Litigator in Residence
Blinick, Joseph
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Boutilier, Misha
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Boyd, Andrew
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Bridges, Meghan
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Buchanan, Neil H.
Visiting Professor
Burke, Michael
Adjunct Professor
Name Courses
Castaneda, Juan
Adjunct Professor
Chan, Rachel
Adjunct Professor
Chan, Dora
Chan, Gerald
Adjunct Professor
Cheng, Joseph
Adjunct Professor
Code, Michael
The Honourable Mr. Justice
Croome, Julia
Crosbie, Kimberley
The Honourable Madam Justice
Cynader, Zarya
Name Courses
Dadhisheth, Shemara
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Dann, Erin
Davies, Breese
The Honourable Justice
Deibert, Ronald
D’Souza, Shane
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Name Courses
Edwards, Aled
Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics
Edwards, Bryce
Adjunct Professor
Eisen, Samantha
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Eizenga, Michael
Adjunct Professor
Evans, Heather
Adjunct Professor
Name Courses
Faherty, Sara
Assistant Dean
Fan, Catherine
Adjunct Professor
Fischer, Fred
Externship Coordinator
Fish, Bonnie
Adjunct Professor
Flynn, Margaret
Name Courses
Gillespie, Eric
Glatt, Pam
Goddard, Owen
Adjunct Professor
Gonsalves, Andrea
Adjunct Professor
Gourlay, David
Externship Advisor
Gray, Andrew
Adjunct Professor
Greene, Samuel
Adjunct Professor
Name Courses
Halfyard, Mark
Hall, Geoff
Adjunct Professor
Han, Julie
Adjunct Professor
Hannaford, Julie
Adjunct Professor
Hansen, Heather
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Hartford, Patrick
Course Instructor
Hasan, Nader
Adjunct Professor
Hauerstock, Tamara
Hirji, Asiya
Horner, Matthew
Houghton, Brian
Huddart, Judith
Adjunct Professor
Husein, Safiyah
Name Courses
Jacobs, Jonathan
Adjunct Professor
Johnson, Glen
Adjunct Professor
Jull, Kenneth
Adjunct Professor
Name Courses
Kallmeyer, Holly
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Kang, Joycna
Adjunct Professor
Kanji, Naizam
Adjunct Professor
Kawar, Seema
Downtown Legal Services
Keenan, Susan
Externship Advisor
Kent, Andrew
Adjunct Professor
Kettel, Emily
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Kidner, Jane
Adjunct Professor
Kirby, Julia
Adjunct Professor
Ko, Gregory
Adjunct Professor
Kras, Jessica
Adjunct Professor
Kreaden, Aaron
Adjunct Professor
Kronby, Matthew
Adjunct Professor
Name Courses
Laskey, Michael
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Lauwers, Peter
The Honourable Justice
Law, Andrew
Adjunct Professor
Lockhart, Sandy
Adjunct Professor
Lynch, Cory
Externship Advisor
Name Courses
MacDonald, Martha
Adjunct Moot Advisor
MacLarkey, William
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Manoryk, Justin
Mattoo, Deepa
McCarthy, Martha
Adjunct Moot Advisor
McKenna, Christopher
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Michell, Paul
Adjunct Professor
Milne, Cheryl
Executive Director, Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights
Mirza, Faisal
The Honourable Mr. Justice
Mirza, Ahsan
Adjunct Professor
Moeser, Andrew
Morgan, Maxwell
Adjunct Professor
Morris, Michael
Adjunct Professor
Morrison, Brendan F.
Adjunct Professor
Morrison, Joshua
Murphy, Timothy
Adjunct Professor
Name Courses
Nobleman, Robin
Name Courses
Pearce, Lauren
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Pinto, Andrew
The Honourable Justice
Poltak, Celeste
Adjunct Professor
Promislow, Ruth
Adjunct Professor
Puskas, Chris
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Name Courses
Radnoff, Brian
Adjunct Professor
Read-Ellis, Nathaniel
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Robertson, Kate
Rosenberg, Michael
Adjunct Professor
Ryan, Padraic
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Name Courses
Sadvari, Eric
Adjunct Professor
Salter, David
Adjunct Professor
Samadmoten, Daanish
Adjunct Professor
Sangha, Sukhpreet
Supervising Lawyer (Criminal and University Offences) Downtown Legal Services
Selick, Mark
Adjunct Professor
Shahid, Maryam
Adjunct Professor
Sharpe, Robert
Distinguished Jurist in Residence
Shaughnessy, Andy
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Shepard, Emily
Staff Lawyer, Downtown Legal Services
Shnier, Diane
Adjunct Professor
Shore, Stephen
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Shulman, Jamie
Adjunct Professor
Sibian, Christina
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Simon, Aileen
Sims, Michael J.
Externship Advisor
Solursh, Michael
Adjunct Professor
Stanic, Ljiljana
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Stellick, Robert
Adjunct Professor
Stitt, Jason
Adjunct Professor
Stone, Jennifer
Name Courses
Teicher, Richard
Terry, John
Adjunct Professor
Trehearne, Jennifer
Adjunct Professor
Turner, Geoffrey
Adjunct Professor
Name Courses
van Niejenhuis, Brendan
Adjunct Professor
Vaux, Robert
Adjunct Professor
Veel, Paul-Erik
Adjunct Professor
Name Courses
Walders, David
Adjunct Professor
Wang, Steven
Adjunct Professor
Webb, Lee
Weerasooriya, Tushara
Adjunct Professor
Whelton, Maureen
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Whitmore, Dale
Wicks, Victoria
Adjunct Professor
Wilkins, Kerry
Adjunct Professor
Wood, Alexi
Adjunct Professor
Woodin, Cheryl
Adjunct Moot Advisor
Woodward, Nicholas
Adjunct Professor
Name Courses
Yachnin, Maryth
Yap, James
Acting Director, International Human Rights Program
Yau, Jacob
Adjunct Professor
Name Courses
Zbarsky, Pamela