The University provides many services and resources to protect you and your personal property.

Community Safety Office

The Community Safety Office provides assistance, support, information and referrals to students, staff and faculty who have had their personal safety compromised.

Working Alone Service

  • 416-978-2323

If you are working alone on campus during the quiet hours of the evening, or on weekends or holidays, call Campus Police at 416-978-2323 to let them know where you are and how long you'll be there.  The Police will check in on you, and will provide an escort, if needed, on your departure.


  • 416-978-SAFE

TheWalkSafe service is free and provides escorts between university buildings, parking lots and transit stops near the campus between 7 pm to midnight, Monday to Friday, from September to April.

For more information

See the University of Toronto Safety & Support page for a complete description of safety-related services.