Updated August 9, 2024

These admission policies and procedures apply to both domestic (Canadian citizens and permanent residents) and international applicants.

Entry Points into the JD Program

For degree study

  • JD First Year - entry occurs once a year in August
  • JD Upper Year - entry occurs once a year in September

For non-degree study

  • Entry occurs in September.
    Visiting exchange or letter of permission students may be allowed to enter in January, but must apply by their standard deadlines.  

Application Procedure for the First Year, JD Program

This procedure applies to both domestic and international applicants. The Admissions Committee evaluates applicants on a continuous basis as each applicant's file is completed.

Required Documents

The following documents are required of general, mature and Indigenous applicants, and constitute a complete file. All of these items must be submitted directly to OLSAS only, do not submit to the law school. 

  1. Ontario Law School Application Service (OLSAS) application, including the autobiographical sketch and verifiers
  2. Official and original copies of all post-secondary academic transcripts 
  3. Law School Admission Test: LSAT report consisting of score(s) and LSAT Writing
  4. A personal statement (required for all), an additional essay (optional for all), and a BSAP essay (required for BSAP candidates)
  5. Mature applicants only: a resume in addition to materials in 1-4.

International Transcripts & Exchange/Study Abroad Transcripts

  • International Transcripts & WES Canada Evaluations
    Applicants who completed at least one academic year of courses at post-secondary institutions outside of Canada or the USA are required to provide a third-party course-by-course evaluation of their transcripts from World Education Services (WES Canada) for their applications.  Apply to WES Canada for transcript evaluation, and instruct WES Canada to submit the results to OLSAS directly.
  • Student Exchange/Study Abroad: Host Institution Transcripts
    For applicants who have completed studies on a student exchange or study abroad experience that are tied to their academic programs, an official transcript of the courses taken directly from the host institution, must be submitted for the law school application, regardless of its treatment by the home institution.

    If course credit awarded for the exchange/study abroad courses (regardless of the exchange/study abroad grades obtained) appears on the home institution's transcript, and the home institution is in Canada or the USA, then a WES evaluation of the host transcript is not required. Otherwise, an official transcript is to be submitted from the host institution to WES Canada for a course-by-course evaluation. 

    It is customary for the home institution, on its own transcript to include the course credit granted, but exclude the grades obtained for host courses, thus the host grade performance will be assessed on its own merit using the host institution's grading scale on its official transcript.


English Language Proficiency Tests (TOEFL, IELTS etc.)

 A  proficiency test is not required, however the LSAT is required, no exceptions.

References & Interviews

Letters of recommendation are not required and, if submitted, will not form part of the applicant's file. Interviews are not used for selection.

Combined Programs

  • If the desired partner degree program has already been attained, then only the JD remains to be attained in its entirety. Therefore please review the admission requirements and application procedures for the JD only.

  • If a JD or equivalent common law degree (e.g. LLB) has already been attained, the only the partner program remains to be attained in its entirety. Therefore apply to the partner program directly by its application procedures, deadlines and admission requirements.

  • If both the JD and the partner program are to be attained then apply to each program independently of the other, by each program's application process and timelines. 

  • If you intend to, or are contemplating whether to, study a JD combined program, then on the OLSAS application form, you must pick the JD-only selection and also the desired JD combined program selection. Please ensure that the selections are made before the OLSAS application deadline, after which your ability to add a new program selection on the OLSAS application form is disabled. 
    The additional selection of the combined program at OLSAS enables the law school to check with applicants, later in the cycle, on the outcome of their application to the partner program. It does not influence the admission to the JD. An independent application to the partner program is still required, regardless of the combination selected at OLSAS.

  • The law school will assess admission to the JD only, independently of the outcome of the application for admission of the partner program. If one is admitted independently to both the JD and the partner, then one may enrol in both programs as a combination. It is the enrolment after admission that is combined, and not the admission consideration.

See the Combined Programs web page for contact information for applying to the partner program.

Timing of Admission Decisions

The admissions cycle runs from November to late June. The Admissions Committee attempts to make decisions on applications as early as possible. Applications are reviewed after application deadlines, and decisions made on completed files. Notification of decisions will be made by email.

  • First Year Applicants
    We expect to make three main rounds of offers of admission: one round in early December, another round in late-February, and a final round in mid-March.

    A few applicants with complete files may not receive notification of a decision until late spring or early summer. Applicants whose files are incomplete will be notified by the JD Admissions Office.
    When all places in the class have been filled, a wait list is established to fill vacancies as they occur. Based on past experience, the Admissions Committee is able to fill the class by April 1.


  • Upper Year Applicants (Transfers, Visiting/Letter of Permission, NCA)
    Offers are made on a rolling basis, as applications become complete and are reviewed. There is no wait list for upper year applicants.


More information on the assessment of academic records can be found in the Admissions Policies section.

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Black Student Application Process (BSAP)

Regardless of admission category (general, mature, indigenous), Black candidates can opt to apply to this stream, which aims to increase Black law student representation at UofT Law.

BSAP applicants will have their personal statements reviewed by members of the Black community, including our staff, students, faculty and alumni.

You must meet the same LSAT and academic requirements for admission that we seek from all candidates. BSAP does not have a designated quota for admission.

To be considered for BSAP, apply to a UofT JD first-year or transfer program by our standard deadlines and procedures, and also:

  1. Select the BSAP option in the School Submissions section of the OLSAS application form
  2. Submit a BSAP Essay highlighting why you chose the BSAP stream.

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International Students

The official immigration status in Canada and not the place of residence determines if one is international or domestic.

International students are those who are neither citizens nor Permanent Residents of Canada, and will require a Study Permit from the Canadian government, and a Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) from the Ontario government in order to study the JD. An offer of admission to the law school is required before you can apply to the Canadian government for the Study Permit.

We welcome applications from international students. The admission requirements, criteria and consideration is the same for all applicants regardless of immigration status. The post-secondary academic institution(s) attended should be recognized and accredited, and an equivalent to the Canadian quantity of education should be attained. There are no quotas for any category or type of applicant.

Canadian government student loan programs and our JD Financial Aid Program are open to domestic students only.

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Law School Admission Test (LSAT)

The LSAT is a half-day standardized test designed specifically for admission to Canadian and US law schools. It is administered entirely by the LSAC, a nonprofit organization located in the USA. The LSAC creates, conducts and scores the LSAT. 

The LSAT is held online worldwide, and in some countries, in-person at a test centre. We do not have a preference and treat all scores the same. For UofT Law the LSAT is required of all JD degree applicants (first-year and transfer) without exception.

  • The 'regular' LSAT is the only standardized aptitude test accepted, the GMAT and GRE are not accepted.
  • The Credential Assembly Service (CAS) provided by LSAC is not to be used for applying to UofT Law.


Which version of LSAT is accepted: 'regular' LSAT, LSAT Flex or the Specially-Designed LSAT?

The appropriate tests for admission to JD program at UofT Law are the 'regular' LSAT test (online, paper, in-person) and the LSAT Flex (online) test, wherever in the world they are administered officially by the LSAC.

The specially-designed test for entry into law schools located in India (LSAT-India), and the specially-designed Spanish-language test (Spanish LSAT) for law schools located in Puerto Rico. Note that the 'regular' appropriate LSAT (online) is also available in India and Puerto Rico.

Test Frequency

  • Effective from June 2021, in Canada and the US the 'regular' LSAT is offered eight times annually, normally in June, August/September, October, November, January, February, March and April.

  • A fewer number of test dates are held for candidates located elsewhere in the world. See future test dates at the LSAC website.


When to take the LSAT? Acceptable Test Dates

Your account at LSAC must be active i.e., have a "currently registered" status for your scores to be reportable to law schools. Each LSAT score and each LSAT Writing is valid for the current and 5 prior test reporting cycles. Therefore prepare to take the test within the 5 years prior to your intended start year in the JD program, in accordance with the following acceptable test dates.

For entry into UofT Law school in 2025

  • First Year entry
    We will consider all LSAT scores from tests taken from June 2019 to January 2025 inclusively. Only those tests are acceptable, and applicants are strongly encouraged to take the test on one of the earlier dates during that period. 
  • Upper Year entry (transfers, letter of permission)
    We will consider all LSAT scores from tests taken from June 2019 to April 2025 inclusively. Only those tests are acceptable, and applicants are strongly encouraged to take the test on one of the earlier dates during that period.

For entry into UofT Law in 2026

  • First Year entry
    We will consider all LSAT scores from tests taken from June 2020 to January 2026 inclusively. Only those tests are acceptable, and applicants are strongly encouraged to take the test on one of the earlier dates during that period. 
  • Upper Year entry (transfers, letter of permission)
    We will consider all LSAT scores from tests taken from June 2020 to April 2026 inclusively. Only those tests are acceptable, and applicants are strongly encouraged to take the test on one of the earlier dates during that period.


First Year Applicants: LSAT test after OLSAS Nov 1 Application Deadline

If you plan on taking the LSAT after the OLSAS application deadline, please still submit your application to OLSAS by its Nov 1 deadline. Do not wait to register for the test or for the test results, in order to apply to OLSAS, if it means that you will miss the deadline,

The OLSAS application form will ask you to specify which future tests you intend to take, even if they occur after the JD application deadline. You can return to your OLSAS application at any time to revise your future test dates.


Test Portions, Format and Score Release Timing: Multiple Choice sections & LSAT Writing

 The LSAT comprises of two portions, both of which MUST be completed in order for the test score to be available to law schools:

  • a scored Multiple Choice portion with sections of multiple choice questions that test logic, reasoning and reading comprehension.
    • From August 2021, there are four sections for the standard LSAT online test (whereas, LSAT Flex comprised of three sections). 
    •  No legal knowledge or expertise in any subject is required, it is a test of thinking.
    • There is no age requirement for taking the test
  • an unscored LSAT Writing portion comprising of an essay that tests the ability to construct a persuasive argument.

It is necessary to pay close attention to where, when and how each portion is administered, and most importantly by when you should have the score be available for release to law schools. Please read the LSAC's LSAT FAQ and LSAT Writing FAQ.


LSAT Scores: Submission, Repeats, Cancellations & Competitive levels

To submit your scores, on the online OLSAS application, provide your LSAC account number (obtained when registering for the LSAT). For scores that become available during the admission cycle, OLSAS will retrieve your LSAT score report automatically and provide it to the law school. Do NOT arrange with the LSAC to submit your scores.

The LSAT score report displays all test attempts and outcomes within the five years prior to the date of the report. All scores listed on the report will be seen and considered by the Admissions Committee. Generally, we place emphasis on the highest LSAT score reported.

A test listed as cancelled on the report will indicate only that it was cancelled and not why it was cancelled. Therefore, a cancelled test provides no score information for use in our admissions. 

The most recent competitive scores for admission can be found in the Admissions Policies section.

Prepare & Register for the LSAT

Refer to the LSAC directly for full information on the test format, cost, fee waivers, sample preparation tests, test dates, test registration and accommodations for the test for candidates with disabilities.

Law School Admission Council (LSAC) 
662 Penn Street
Newtown, PA 18940-0998

Tel: (215) 968-1001, Fax: (215) 968-1119
e-mail: lsacinfo@lsac.org
Website: lsac.org


LSAC Law Hub
The test makers have extensive resources for preparing for the LSAT, including free online access to questions from actual past tests, and test simulations. At the LSAC web site please access the LSAT preparation resources.

UofT Law School Access Program (LSAP)
The Faculty of Law offers an in-person, free LSAT preparatory course, once a year, from May-August for persons from low-income families. Please read the specifications of the Law School Access Program (LSAP)

Law School Prep Program at UofT Scarborough (LSPP @ UTSC)
For its undergraduate students exclusively, the U of T Scarborough campus offers an in-person, free LSAT preparatory program once each summer. For details and ALL inquiries, please review the LSPP @ UTSC.

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Personal Statement, Optional Essay, and BSAP Essay

Letters of recommendation are not required, and interviews are not conducted for admission selection. For this reason, applicants are encouraged to use the Personal Statement, Optional Essay and BSAP Essay to highlight their academic, personal and professional accomplishments, and share with the Committee a more three-dimensional picture of themselves and their vision for their own legal education at the University of Toronto.

All statements and essays of applicants who are offered admission are read independently by at least three (and as many as six) members of the Admissions Committee, which includes students, senior administrative staff and faculty members.

Personal Statement - Mandatory

5,000 characters (maximum), in plain text, including punctuation and spaces.

The statement is part of the OLSAS application form, and is not submitted as a separate document by upload or hardcopy. The text is entered on the application form directly. 

The Personal Statement is part of the OLSAS application form, and not submitted as a separate document. You are encouraged to use the Personal Statement to share your “story” with the Admissions Committee. Indigenous applicants are encouraged to outline in their personal statements their interest in, identification with and connection to their communities. There is no template to follow as the statement serves as the means for self-expression and self-description. Successful statements tend to be those that feature clear and authentic writing.

      • See some samples of the Personal Statement and Optional Essay

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Optional Essay

2,500 characters (maximum), in plain text, including punctuation and spaces.

The Optional Essay is part of the OLSAS application form, and is not submitted as a separate document by upload or hardcopy. The text is entered on the application form directly.

We strongly recommend the submission of the essay since it is an additional opportunity to provide specific information about yourself to bolster your personal profile. You may choose one of the topics we suggest, such as:

  1. a meaningful intellectual experience
  2. a vision of your future goals
  3. how you overcame obstacles to achievement
  4. how your identity, background and experiences will contribute to the diversity of the law school


Black Student Application Process (BSAP) Essay

2,500 characters (maximum), in plain text, including punctuation and spaces.

The BSAP essay is part of the OLSAS application form, and is not submitted as a separate document by upload or hardcopy. The text is entered on the application form directly.

In addition to the mandatory Personal Statement and the Optional Essay, Black Student Application Process candidates must submit a BSAP Essay.

The BSAP essay offers a unique additional opportunity to describe your strengths and accomplishments, vision for your own legal education, and to tell your story. There is no template to follow to express and describe yourself.  Sample topics include describing why you chose the BSAP stream, writing on an issue that you feel is important to the Black community or sharing your motivations and inspirations. Whether or not you choose to use or reference any of those topics, you should relate what you write about to a legal issue and/or the study/practice of law.

Ontario Law School Application Service (OLSAS)

The processing of applications for admission to any Ontario law school will be handled centrally and entirely by the Ontario Law School Application Service (OLSAS), which is a division of the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) located in Guelph, Ontario.

The Credential Assembly Service (CAS) provided by LSAC is not to be used for applying to UofT Law.

OUAC processes applications for undergraduate full-time studies for Ontario's universities and for a number of second degree programs. OLSAS offers numerous benefits to applicants through a simplified application process and will also reduce duplication and processing costs at the universities. From late August applicants may apply online for entry in the following year.

Ontario Law School Application Service (OLSAS)
Ontario Universities' Application Centre
170 Research Lane
Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 5E2

Tel: (519) 823-1063
Fax: (519) 823-5232
e-mail: olsas@ouac.on.ca
Website: http://www.ouac.on.ca/olsas/

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Deadline for Filing Applications

Applications for admission to the JD first year in 2025 to the Faculty of Law must be submitted to OLSAS by 11:59 pm (Toronto time) on November 1, 2024.

OLSAS applications must be submitted by the deadline even if supporting documents are not yet available.

The information required by applicants to provide on the application form by the application deadline include the autobiographical sketch, verifiers, personal statement, the optional essay and the BSAP Essay.

Externally-sourced supporting documents such as the LSAT scores and official transcripts may arrive after the deadline. Missing documentation can be submitted to OLSAS as soon as it becomes available. Applications will only be reviewed after all required documentation has been received via OLSAS. 

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Application Fee

The OLSAS processing fee is CAD $200 plus a University Fee of $115 for each law school selection. All fees are non-refundable.

The University Fee, collected by OLSAS but remitted directly to the Faculty of Law, assists us in covering a portion of our costs associated with the admission assessment. Please see the OLSAS Application Guide for detailed fee information.

Fee Waivers
Information on fee waivers for the LSAT and the UofT University Fee for OLSAS applications is available at the Fee Waivers web page.

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First-Year Applicants: Late Applications

The Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto is prepared to consider requests to submit late applications by email with attachments to admissions.law@utoronto.ca.

The Admissions Committee will be more receptive to requests for late application that are accompanied by the detailed reason(s) for missing the application deadline, unofficial copies of all post-secondary transcripts and LSAT score reports.

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Entrance Scholarships and Bursaries

Virtually all of the Faculty's financial aid is in the form of needs-based funding, and thus is open to domestic students only.  A small number of merit-based entrance scholarships are available. All admitted students will be automatically considered for Faculty of Law merit-based scholarships without further application.

All admitted domestic students may complete the Faculty of Law JD Financial Aid Program application to be considered for bursaries and other needs-based financial aid. 

A list of available entrance bursaries and scholarships is available on the Faculty of Law website.

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Deferral of Admission

At the discretion of the Chair of the Admissions Committee, deferrals may be granted to applicants admitted into the JD first year only, except for admits promoted from the wait list.

If granted, an admission deferral allows a candidate to delay their admission by one academic year, during which period applying to any other law school (worldwide) is not permitted.

Requests for deferrals are considered only on an individual basis, by doing all of the following: 

  • Accept the offer of admission to the JD first year by the instructions and deadline specified in the offer of admission
  • Pay the non-refundable tuition deposit as per the instructions and deadline in the offer of admission
  • Submit in writing, the reason(s) for requesting a deferral to JD Admissions at admissions.law@utoronto.ca,please elaborate in your request the details
  • Supporting documentation to substantiate the deferral reason(s) may be requested, as warranted.

Consideration of requests will begin after May 1.  For requests received by May 1, notification of decisions should be made by May 15.  

Previous Applications (Re-Applying)

All applicants who have previously submitted an application via OLSAS who wish to re-apply in a subsequent application cycle, must submit a brand new application through OLSAS.

All application information and supporting documents (e.g. personal statement, essays, LSAT, transcripts, autobiographical sketch, verifies etc.), must be re-submitted since OLSAS does not retain application materials after the end of an application cycle.

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Application Fee Waivers

Information on fee waivers for the LSAT and the UofT University Fee of $115 for OLSAS applications is available at the Fee Waivers web page.