The Office of the Assistant Dean, EDI oversees the implementation of our EDI strategies (PDF). If you need assistance accessing the above PDF document, please contact the Assistant Dean, EDI.
We are committed to ensuring that our law school is accessible to and inclusive of talented students from all segments of society. Our vision is a law school and legal profession that fully reflect the diversity of our society.
We act on this commitment in a number of ways including:
- Creating innovative youth outreach programs to encourage young people from underrepresented communities to consider law school.
- Offering supports and engagement opportunities for Black undergraduate students who aspire to go to law school through the Black Future Lawyers program.
- Breaking down financial obstacles faced by low-income students to applying to law school by offering a free LSAT prep program, and waiving the law school application fee.
- Closely monitoring and disclosing student surveys that include demographic information about our incoming classes.
- Distributing the largest financial aid budget amongst Canadian law schools to our neediest students (50% of our students receive assistance).
- Requiring all of our incoming students to participate in an inclusivity and diversity training session during the first few weeks of school.
- Providing accommodations and support to students with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
- Offering specialized student support services to Indigenous students through our unique Indigenous Initiatives Office.
- Prioritizing equity and access issues through the work of the Gender, Accessibility and Diversity Committee. Comprised of staff, students and faculty, this Committee makes recommendations to the Dean and reports to Faculty Council, the law school’s governance body.
- Providing financial assistance and other support to student clubs such as the Black Law Students Association, Muslim Law Student Association, Out in Law, Women and the Law, Jewish Law Student Association, Indigenous Law Students Association, Afghan -Iranian Law Students Association, South Asian Law Students Association, Christian Legal Fellowship, etc.
- Supporting spiritual diversity by providing a multi-faith space on site at the law school.
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