Competition Law Group Networking Event

The CLG will host a networking event with several law firms on Tuesday, March 12th, at 5:30 PM in the Rowell Room! This is a great opportunity to meet some excellent lawyers and start preparing for the 2L recruit! There will also be free food!

Dimitrios Tsilikis

SJD Candidate
Thesis title:
Justifications of Recourse Rules (working title)
Office in Falconer Hall
84 Queen's Park
Toronto, M5S 2C5

 I am a second year S.J.D. student working on Bankruptcy Law and Private Law Theory. My main project is focused on the normative foundations of personal bankruptcy law in the U.S. and Canadian legal orders. I do also research on some side-projects on corporate bankruptcy especially in the U.S., currently working on the intersection of mass tort litigation and bankruptcy.

 I started my legal career in civil law countries (Greece and France), but I have transitioned towards the common law world with my LL.M. in Legal Theory at NYU School of Law and my S.J.D. at the University of Toronto. 

I am a lawyer in Greece and I spend some time lawyering in Greek and E.U. law, especially on restructuring consultation.

In my spare time I like to read moral and political philosophy as they tend to be really helpful in providing analytical tools in legal research. Other than that, I love reading on aesthetics and the philosophy of mind.

LL.B. - National and Capodistrian University of Athens - Faculty of Law
LL.B. (Erasmus+) - Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne - École de Droit
LL.M. - New York University School of Law
S.J.D. - University of Toronto - Faculty of Law
Professional Affiliations
Athens Bar Association (Greece)
Research Interests
Bankruptcy/Insolvency Law
Business Corporations
Competition Law
Judicial Decision-Making
Legal Theory
Moral Philosophy
Political Philosophy and Theory
Property Law
Tax Law
Committee Members

Competition Policy Symposium

University of Toronto Faculty of Law
Law and Economics Program


Symposium on Competition Policy in the Age of Big Data Net Neutrality and

Matthew Marinett

SJD Candidate
Thesis title:
Corporate Responsibility and Accountability in Internet Content Governance
Office in Falconer Hall
84 Queen's Park
Toronto, M5S 2C5

Matthew is an Assistant Professor at the Ted Rogers School of Management (Law & Business) at Toronto Metropolitan University. He recently defended his SJD dissertation at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law. During his doctoral studies, Matthew was a Joseph-Armand Bombardier scholar and a Graduate Fellow of the Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society. His broader research examines the rule of law implications of the corporate control and governance of technology, especially with respect to copyright, privacy, and freedom of expression. His work has appeared in the UBC Law Review, the Alberta Law Review, the Internet Policy Review, and the Intellectual Property Journal.

Matthew's doctoral project examined the manner in which internet corporations create rules and make rights-affecting decisions with worldwide impact and minimal public accountability. Specifically, it explored the applicability of standards of human rights and global administrative law to internet corporations engaged in content governance: a difficult prospect given the numerous forms content governance takes, the extant interaction between states and internet intermediaries, the human rights implications, and the transnational nature of the internet. Nonetheless, the project examined what such an inherently flexible standard might look like.

Prior to pursuing an academic path, Matthew was an associate at Gowling Lafleur Henderson (now Gowling WLG) in the Intellectual Property department. He worked primarily within the Entertainment Law Group and the Advertising, Marketing and Regulatory Affairs Group. Prior to joining Gowlings, he volunteered his time at Advocates for Injured Workers, a legal clinic that assisted low-income clients who had been injured in the course of their employment to obtain workers' compensation benefits.

Matthew has previously served as an Adjunct Faculty member at Osgoode Hall Law School and at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law.

SJD - 2024 - University of Toronto Faculty of Law
LLM - 2016 - University of Toronto Faculty of Law
JD - 2012 - University of Toronto Faculty of Law
Honours BSc Planetary Science - 2008 - University of Western Ontario
Awards and Distinctions
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2021-2022)
Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society Graduate Fellow (2020-2021)
CIGI International Law Research Program SJD Scholarship (2019-2021)
Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Doctoral Scholarship (2018-2021)
Doctoral Fellowship in Innovation Law and Policy (2016-2018)
University of Toronto Doctoral Fellowship (2016-2018)
Masters Fellowship in Innovation Law and Policy (2015-2016)
Gerald Flaherty Prize in Entertainment Law (2010)
Western Scholarship of Excellence
Professional Affiliations
Law Society of Upper Canada
Canadian Bar Association
Selected Publications

Matthew Marinett, “The New Frontier of Platform Policy” (2021) 10:3 Internet Policy Review.

Matthew Marinett, “The Race to the Bottom: Comity and Cooperation in Global Internet Takedown Orders” (2020) 53:2 UBC L Rev 464. .

Matthew Marinett, “Protecting Individual Self-Interest in Aggregate as the Basis of Fairness in Contract” (2018) 55:3 Alberta Law Review 703.

Matthew Marinett, “The Alienation of Economic Rights and the Case for Stickier Copyright” (2017) 30:1 Intellectual Property Journal 125.

Matthew Marinett, “Copyright and innovation” (5 July 2017) Policy Options.

Brenda Pritchard & Matthew Marinett, “Political Advertising and Freedom of Expression” in Brenda Pritchard & Susan Vogt, eds, Advertising and Marketing Law in Canada, 5th ed (Markham: LexisNexis Canada, 2015).

Research Interests
Administrative Law
Business Law
Charter of Rights
Competition Law
Economic Analysis of Law
Intellectual Property Law
Judicial Decision-Making
Privacy Law
Private International Law
Property Law
Committee Members

One Million Dollar Fine Confirms the Shift of Corporate Criminal Liability From the Boardroom to Middle Managers

On April 17, 2015, Justice Tôth of the Quebec Superior Court imposed a one million dollar fine on a corporation found guilty of price fixing in the case of R. c. Pétroles Global inc ("Global Fuels"). This case is important because it affirms that corporations will be penalized for the actions of middle level territory managers, even where there is no evidence that the head office of the company was aware of the misconduct.


Competition Law Workshop: William Kovacic


William Kovacic
Global Competition Professor of Law and Policy; Professor of Law;
Director, Competition Law Center
George Washington University Law School 

Good Process in Competition Policy Systems:
Quality Control, Legitimacy, and Effectiveness

Monday, May 11, 2015
4:00 – 5:45
Solarium (room FA2) – Falconer Hall

Attack Ads, Copyright, and Collusion: Have Canada's Major Broadcasters Violated the Competition Act?

Canada's first (and the world's first) competition act: the Combines Act of 1889
Originally posted on Prof. Katz's blog

Last week reports emerged that the Government is considering a new copyright exception for political advertising. The reports suggested that the exception would permit the use of news content by political parties without authorization. While most of the media coverage of this story focused on the copyright issue and the phenomenon of attack ads, documents that Sun Media obtained from the CBC (under an Access to Information request) reveal an even more interesting and more important story, both politically and legally. These documents, offering a rare glimpse behind the scenes of Canada's major media organization, reveal a picture of a concerted action between the majority of Canada's news outlets, action that might run afoul the Competition Act. 
