Men at work

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The loud noises you hear out of Flavelle House are from the removal of drywall bulkheads, column surrounds and interior partitions. Eastern Construction is committed and supportive of the Faculty's recycling initatives, as the demolition materials are separated and sorted for salvaging.

Here are the latest photo updates on our renewal project.

150 metric tonnes of materials diverted from landfills

Friday, September 20, 2013

An exciting update to our recycling initiatives: a preliminary report from CSR Eco Solutions, the company contracted to recycle old furnishings, equipment, computers, etc. from the Bora Laskin Library move over the summer, indicates that approximately 150 metric tonnes of materials were diverted away from landfills.

CSR donates, recycles and reuses materials from large institutions, governments and hospitals and many of the items find new homes at charitable organizations, or are sent overseas to developing countries.

Read our updated Reusing and Recycling before Renovating story.

Site access challenges? Bring it, says Eastern crew

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Eastern Construction's Dean Walker, project manager, and Sean Ingram, Faculty of Law senior development officer, by the Hoskin Street site access area which will open for deliveries.


A $53-million construction site surrounded by trees, traffic and a heritage building, in one of the busiest downtown quadrants in Canada’s largest city, is not without its problems.

“Every project has its unique challenges,” says Dean Walker, Eastern Construction’s project manager for the Faculty of Law, “and this one ranks right up there.”

A green field construction project would be ideal, but those are rare in an urban location these days, says Walker. “It means this project will involve a very coordinated effort, with lots of preplanning and reviews. All work will be carefully reviewed before it commences, particularly near the protected trees and near the north end, near the heritage site. We’re trying to stay away from it.”

Walker assures me that vibration monitoring is set to be installed at the end of the month prior to any major structural demolition. This will mitigate any impact on the foundation and other heritage elements of Flavelle House. Currently, most of the noise you hear from inside of Flavelle is from the removal of drywall bulkheads, column surrounds and interior partitions.

Back to school at Vic

Although we’re only two weeks into the school year, the transition space at Victoria College is already starting to feel like home. The Victoria College campus possesses an undeniable charm: many of the wood floors creak softly under your feet; vines creep steadily up the stone walls; and massive trees provide a beautiful canopy over the courtyard. I feel fortunate to be in such a beautiful place that is still so close (just across the street in fact) to our true home at Flavelle House and Falconer.

The thing that has surprised me most about the transition space is how much I serendipitously run into my law school classmates, despite the fact that we are more dispersed than normal. The law student common room at Birge Carnegie has been getting a ton of traffic, and everywhere I turn there are law students – a great feeling indeed!  

For the first two weeks some of my colleagues sat at an “Ask Me” booth in Birge Carnegie, ready to help a lost law student find his or her way, or answer any general inquiries about the new space. I’ve really loved how this time of transition has afforded law students opportunities to step up and assist each other acclimatize to our new surroundings, which I think has helped to continue fostering that sense of community that is so prevalent at UofT Law.

And the walls came tumbling down

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Remember your classroom FLA? Here it is.

Demolition materials are all sorted and separated, waiting to be recycled. We're aiming for a 95 percent diversion rate, to keep the landfills empty as much as possible.




 Below are several shots of the Lower Rotunda.





And here is the library's lower level.


Reusing and Recycling before Renovating

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Recycling efforts diverted approximately 150 metric tonnes away from landfills

The Swap Shop on campus is normally kept busy with the odds and ends that arrive from small to medium-sized moves across the university.

But for the Faculty of Law’s Bora Laskin Library and staff move that occurred over the summer, the “big guys” were called in, says Reno Strano, waste management supervisor in the Department of Facilities and Services.

The recycling rate was more than 90 percent, an excellent achievement for a moving project of this size.  In comparison, the overall diversion rate for the U of T campus last year was 72 percent, he says.

"For very large moves, we subcontract to CSR Eco Solutions. The company recycles old furniture and equipment and more to local charities and even Third World countries,” says Strano. As of September 20th, preliminary reports from CSR indicate about 150 metric tonnes of old equipment, materials, computers, etc. were diverted away from landfills.



See Yourself Here Faculty

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Faculty can look forward to this bright, spacious and comfortable area in the new Jackman Law Building, located in a corner area on the main floor, one floor below the faculty lounge. It will provide quiet reading and collaborative space, and a private meeting room near offices.



Bust a move

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We know that the Faculty of Law has fully inhabited the transitional space in the Birge-Carnegie Building when the iconic busts of Bora Laskin and Cecil Wright have taken up residence there, migrating from their previous haunts in what is now the new building construction zone.

Bust of Cecil Wright

Bust of Bora Laskin

Bust of Bora Laskin

The transitional space is ready and waiting

Friday, August 30, 2013

The transitional space at Victoria University is all prepped, ready, and waiting for the influx of new and returning law students arriving next week.

UT Law transitional space

UT Law transitional space

UT Law transitional space

UT Law transitional space

UT Law transitional space

UT Law transitional space - Library Reading Room

UT Law transitional space - Library Reading Room

UT Law transitional space - Library Reading Room

And we're off: demolition is underway

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The building site has been sealed off, the warning signs are up, and demolition is underway.

Construction warning signs

Construction warning signs

Construction warning signs