Ghosts, goblins and law students

Monday, November 4, 2013

By Ash-Lei Lewandoski

This Halloween, U of T law students descended upon Victoria College to celebrate the evening at the Students' Law Society's (SLS) Halloween Party. The annual SLS celebration is one of its biggest events and, as in previous years, it was a great success: about 350 students attended.

While traditionally hosted in Flavelle House, the renovations underway meant relocating the party to Victoria College in a space proven ideal for the night. With lights and decorations creating the spooky atmosphere, students danced the evening away to the DJ music stylings of The Thin Skulls, a duo of the Faculty’s very own second-year students.  Food and beverages were also in full stock and anyone interested in their fortune could duck behind the curtained space to speak with The Great Santini, the evening’s fortune teller.

Demolition site tours kicked off at Reunion

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Alumni had their pick of hard hats, ranging from electric blue, forest green, engineer's white, to the usual orange, yellow and some hot pink thrown in as well. Steel-toed slip-ons were also available, although we did see a few alumni with their own boots join the tour ("I'm a construction lawyer").


More than 30 alumni took the opportunity to tour the demolition site and view the remnants of the Bora Laskin LIbrary, before the cocktail reception began for Reunion 2013. Many remarked the site looked "apocalyptic," yet for some, it "brought back a lot of memories of viewing the Laskin Library contruction site." We'll post some great professional shots taken on the demolition tour as soon as they're available.







Access ready

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The south end of Philosopher's Walk by Hoskin Avenue will be an active section of the project site, as Gate 1 is now set up. This is the main access area for construction deliveries, and Eastern will be monitoring it carefully for traffic and pedestrian safety. Deliveries will be occurring during the hours of 7 am to 3 pm only, to keep noise and congestion to a minimum.

Salvage shots

Thursday, October 17, 2013

 Sunight peers in the lower rotunda area as the steel and wall board piles continue to grow.


All materials that can be salvaged are meticulously set aside for diversion once demolition is completed. This is in the Bennett Lecture Hall.


 Corner areas are filling up with a variety of materials for recycling, as you can see in these photos above and below.

The former office space area on the second floor of the Bora Laskin Library. 


Helping to sort and keep areas tidy is the resident bobcat, seen here on the second floor of the library.

Grand room for the Grand Moot

Friday, October 11, 2013
Student mooter at the desk and podium

Photo credit: David Feldman


It was a grand room for the 2013 Grand Moot, held in the beautiful Victoria Chapel on October 3rd. The soaring ceiling, solid oak doors and vintage podium were quite the Ivy League contrast to Flavelle's mid-eighties Moot Court Room

The Grand Moot, one of the largest mooting events at the law school, had our best mooters facing off in front of a bench led by Supreme Court of Canada Justice Michael Moldaver. It included Ontario Court of Appeal Justice Robert Sharpe, and Ontario Superior Court Justice Katherine Swinton.

The problem dealt with positive rights under section 7 of the Charter, and whether life, liberty, and security of the person can extend to cover the right to health care on Aboriginal reserves.

Read more about the Grand Moot topic and mooters here.

Much mulch

Tuesday, October 8, 2013
mulch in tree protection zone for oak tree number nine

All four of our oak trees are now protected with hoarding on the construction site. And while this has caused some anxiety for the squirrels, not to mention site access challenges, we're pleased to see the conservation efforts and their prominence in the green space revitalization plans, along with other native species.

This tree has a protection radius of nine metres, and you can see the abundance of mulch around it. The mulch helps with water preservation and root protection.

Law school at Vic U: month one

First year student Fraser Malcolm headshot

The Class of 2016 has survived the first month of our first year of law school.

It began with a fantastic Orientation Week jam-packed with activities. The days were filled with events to let us get to know our classmates and get a sense of what law school is like.  Using the beautiful Hart House quad as a starting point, there were events ranging from the insightful - lectures from faculty members and an Ontario Court of Appeal Justice - to the less serious and more fun - a scavenger hunt and laser tag!  It was a great week and a credit to the upper-year volunteers, faculty and staff who put it on.

But, alas, Orientation Week seems a distant memory now.

With a few weeks of class under our belt, we first years are making law school life at Victoria College our own.  There is a constant hum of chatter from the students’ lounge and a steady stream of students going to study in the reading room in Birge Carnegie. There are students taking advantage of the last throes of summer by catching up with friends and eating lunch on the stone wall between Emmanuel College and the Old Vic mansion. And, of course, you can always find classmates in the hallway outside the library checking their locker and making sure they have the right books for the next class.

Bye-bye Bora

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Eastern Construction project manager Dean Walker stopped by my office recently to inform me that "The Bora Laskin Law Library is gone," and he had the photos to prove it. The law library is temporarily esconced over at Victoria's Birge Carnegie building for the duration of the project. But its former home has an apocalyptic air, given the demolition progress. Take a look at this latest update:

Here’s what used to be the entrance area of the law library. The ceiling is a suspended system, is fastened to the structure above and the connections are exposed. It’s being taken down in sections.



Construction workers are peeling off the drywall ceiling in the interior of the former Bora Laskin Law Library.



How good is green?

Monday, September 30, 2013

I’ve written about the Faculty of Law’s commitment to a sustainable renewal project—excess, old furnishings from the Bora Laskin Library recycled or donated, demolition materials sorted and separated for reuse, and the revitalization of green space with native species.

And I’ll be posting updates on the state-of-the-art green initiatives to be deployed in the Jackman Law Building as we hit each construction milestone.

It also helps to be working with a team which shares our green philosophy, such as Eastern Construction and B + H Architects.

Recently, B + H participated in World Green Building Week, one of about 25,000 organizations from 98 countries, to band together and highlight that ‘green is good.'

The annual event encourages members to host events, raise awareness and celebrate sustainable projects.

Four hidden gems around Victoria U

Thursday, September 26, 2013
Katherine Georgious with her coffee mug by Caffiends.

Law student Katherine Georgious with her coffee mug by Caffiends.


Winter is coming. And there’s hot chocolate to be had. In the basement of the Pratt Library to be precise.

We knew law students would soon be staking out the goods in our transition space across the street from the Faculty of Law.

The “Four Hidden Gems around Victoria U” in the latest issue of the law student newspaper, Ultra Vires, was too good not to share with the wider Faculty of Law community, particularly those addicted to caffeine. And chocolate.

Here’s what 3L and UV writer Katherine Georgious found (reprinted with permission):

1. Caffiends (1st Floor, Victoria College)

$1 coffee. They’ll give you a mug. Need we say more?

2. Emmanuel Student Lounge (3rd floor, Emmanuel College)

Located right across from Emmanuel Library, this student lounge has a $1 soda machine, and a fridge with cold, filtered water for when you need a refill whilst studying.

3. Classy Bathrooms (Victoria College)  

It’s not the “Men’s Bathroom”  here at Vic College, it’s the “Gentlemen’s Bathroom.” While Flavelle’s bathrooms made you feel at risk of infection at all times, Vic College wants you to feel classy, even when you’re peeing.

4. Hot Chocolate Machine (Basement, Pratt Library)