Although we’re only two weeks into the school year, the transition space at Victoria College is already starting to feel like home. The Victoria College campus possesses an undeniable charm: many of the wood floors creak softly under your feet; vines creep steadily up the stone walls; and massive trees provide a beautiful canopy over the courtyard. I feel fortunate to be in such a beautiful place that is still so close (just across the street in fact) to our true home at Flavelle House and Falconer.

The thing that has surprised me most about the transition space is how much I serendipitously run into my law school classmates, despite the fact that we are more dispersed than normal. The law student common room at Birge Carnegie has been getting a ton of traffic, and everywhere I turn there are law students – a great feeling indeed!  

For the first two weeks some of my colleagues sat at an “Ask Me” booth in Birge Carnegie, ready to help a lost law student find his or her way, or answer any general inquiries about the new space. I’ve really loved how this time of transition has afforded law students opportunities to step up and assist each other acclimatize to our new surroundings, which I think has helped to continue fostering that sense of community that is so prevalent at UofT Law.

I look forward to getting more familiar with the new space, and to witnessing the construction project unfold across the street.

 SLS President, Brendan Stevens, centre