| Prior to law school I worked as a Speech-Language Pathologist, specializing in rehabilitation of patients with head and neck cancer, and then spent a few years at home raising my kids. The thought of entering law school after having taken a significant break from academics was a bit intimidating. Frankly, I was worried that I wouldn’t remember how to be a student! But once I got here, I quickly realized that my age and experience only enhanced my interest and understanding of the law. I found the student body as a whole to bring such unique experiences and perspectives to class discussions that my “maturity” was just another aspect of what I could offer. I also found the faculty and administration to be supportive, and was able to slip back into student mode with no problem. - Margaretta Hanna |
 | Attending U of T Law School as a mature student has been both challenging and immensely rewarding. As a mature student, there is more juggling of school and non-school obligations. One of the strengths of U of T is the strong student body and its diversity and the administration is working hard to foster and encourage this diversity. - Ben Elzinga Cheng |
 | In 2009 I was appointed to the Ontario Court of Justice as a Justice of the Peace, where I find myself both fascinated and inspired to increase my knowledge of the law. The beauty of the law is that it is ever changing while, at the same time, grounded historically—two aspects of the law which make a life-long learning plan a necessity. Law school as a mature student has been a tremendous challenge, but one met with support, academic inspiration and encouragement from my daughter, my professors, my classmates, my employer and my First Nation. My daughter and I have learned to study together and to cherish the free time we have together. The professional and engaging law school staff, with their open door policies and flexible appointment schedules, plus the academic peer mentoring support and support from the assistant dean of student services, the aboriginal law program coordinator and faculty advisor, have all contributed to my support system. My employer’s flexibility and encouragement have been instrumental to my success, as has that of Garden River First Nation. I appreciate the opportunity to be a member of the class of 2014 and am mindful that "to whom much has been given much will be expected." - Wendy Agnew |
 | I entered law school in my thirties after a ten year engineering and management career. Re-adjusting to student life certainly had its challenges, but the whole experience has been rewarding: intellectually, professionally, and personally. Having both a technical and business background gives me a broad and deep context to draw from in my studies, and I believe this would be true for any background. Studying law as a mature student has been a great way for me to continue to learn new things and take on new challenges. - Brendan Cassidy |