The Faculty of Law web site includes a complete webcast of most Goodman Lectures from 2005 onwards.

  • 2023-24 Goodman Lecture: Bryant Garth, Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus, University of California-Irvine Law School, "Lawyers, Empires, and Social Change: Reexamining theory and theory-informed description in today’s fraught environment" (January 2024)
  • 2021-22 Goodman Lecture: The Rt Hon Lady Hale of Richmond DBE, Former President, Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, "Judicial Independence and Some of its Enemies" (21 September 2022)
  • 2020-21 Goodman Lecture: Justice Chile Eboe-Osuji "A PHOENIX MOMENT? International Law after Ukraine" (video available)
  • 2019-20 Goodman Lecture: Gillian Lester, Dean and the Lucy G. Moses Professor of Law at Columbia Law School "The Evolving Role of the University in Civil Society" (video available)
  • 2018-19 Goodman Lecture: Dr. Menaka Guruswamy, BR Ambedkar Research Scholar and Lecturer at Columbia Law School, “Irrational, indefensible, and manifestly arbitrary” (video available)
  • 2017-18 Goodman Lecture: Justice Daphne Barak-Erez, Supreme Court of Israel, "Multiculturalism as  a Family Name"
  • 2016-17 Goodman Lecture: Brian Bowman, Mayor of Winnipeg, "Appropriate Responses to the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission" (video available).
  • 2015-16 Goodman Lecture: Phil Fontaine, Former three-term National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, "Moving Forward:  Towards Reconciliation"
  • 2014-15 Goodman Lecture: Catherine O’Regan, Chairperson, United Nations Internal Justice Council, Former judge to the South African Constitutional Court: "South Africa’s Constitution at Twenty:  An Assessment"
  • 2013-14 Goodman Lecture: Gillian Hadfield, Kirtland Professor of Law and Professor of Economics and Director, Center for Law and Social Science at USC Gould School of Law (California), "Reimagining Law"
  • 2010-11 Goodman Lecture: A Conversation with the Honourable R. Roy McMurtry on Professionalism (video tribute)
  • 2008-09 Goodman Lecture: The Hon. Stephen Goudge, Justice, Ontario Court of Appeal: "Looking Back and Looking Forward on Learning in Professionalism"
  • 2007-08 Goodman Lecture: His Worship David Miller, Mayor of the City of Toronto: "Toronto & Canada's Big Cities: The Key to National Prosperity"
  • 2006-07 Goodman Lecture: The Honourable Mr. Justice Marshall Rothstein, Supreme Court of Canada: "The Supreme Court Appointment Process"
  • 2006 Goodman Lecture: Judge Richard J. Goldstone, Henry Shattuck Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law School: "The South African Constitutional Court: Its First Ten Years"
  • 2005 Goodman Lecture: Daniel Kaufmann, World Bank Institute Director, Global Governance: "Debunking Myths on Worldwide Governance and Corruption: The Challenge of Empirical Evidence, and Implications for New Strategies and Policies"
  • 2004 Goodman Lecture: Justice Morris Fish, Supreme Court of Canada: "The Right to Counsel Over the Arc of Time"
  • 2003 Goodman Lecture: Minister of Foreign Affairs Bill Graham, "Challenges for International Law in the 21st Century: A Canadian Political Perspective." 
  • 2002 Goodman Lecture: Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin, "Racism and the Law: The Canadian Experience".

The Goodman Lectures were delivered in previous years by the following eminent Canadians: Madam Justice Bertha Wilson of the Supreme Court of Canada (1985), Mr. Alan Borovoy of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (1987), the Honourable Ian Scott, Attorney General of Ontario (1988), Roberta Jamieson, The Ombudsman of Ontario (1991), the Hon. Gerald V. La Forest of the Supreme Court of Canada (1992), the Honourable Bob Rae, Premier of Ontario (1994), Mr. Justice Sydney Robins of the Ontario Court of Appeal (1995), Associate Chief Judge Murray Sinclair, Provincial Court of Manitoba (1995), the Hon. Madam Justice Louise Arbour, Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, The United Nations (1997), The Honourable Justice Arthur Chaskalson President, Constitutional Court, South Africa (1997), The Honourable Justice J. E. Michel Bastarache, The Supreme Court of Canada (1999), and Mr. Martin Lee, Chairman, Democratic Party of Hong Kong (2000).