Instructor(s): Angela Fernandez

Note: Students must be registered in Animals and the Law (LAW253H1F) in order to be eligible to participate in the Animals and the Law Practicum. 

Co-requisite:  Animals and the Law (LAW253H1F)

This practicum is an optional additional credit for students selected from Animals and the Law (LAW253H1F). 

At the commencement of each semester, a curated list of topics will be provided, encompassing areas such as legal protections for endangered species, consumer advocacy against greenwashing and humanewashing practices, and the intricate intersection of environmental law with wildlife conservation, animal agriculture, and other industries involving animal use.  

The practicum component of the course offers students the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to address pressing animal law challenges under the guidance of experienced AEL Advocacy lawyers, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law Animal Law Research Associate Krystal-Anne Roussel and fellow Co-Director and Counsel of AEL Advocacy Kira Berkeley. 

Students would pick a topic from the curated list and consult with AEL Advocacy lawyers on the format of their assignment (e,g, a policy brief, case law factum, litigation strategy plan, annotated list of reports and sources).

Students will have the opportunity to work on a 10-page (2,500 word) assignment and earn one ungraded credit collaborating with lawyers at AEL Advocacy on current animal law issues.
Credit note
1 credit (ungraded)
Academic year
2024 - 2025

At a Glance

First Term



10 JD