This course focuses on the regulation of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI) in Canada. Given the borderless nature of data and AI, the course will also discuss international regulation. We will review legal disputes, exposure, and best practices related to cybersecurity and AI. Through practical exercises and industry speaker presentations, the course aims to provide students with an overview of the regulation and legal issues as they are today and an understanding as to how they may evolve.

In addition to being evaluated on class attendance and participation plus a final paper, students will work in groups on two assignments, each worth 10%. One group assignment will be a cyber simulation that would see the class divided into two groups with each dealing with a “live” cyber-attack. It would require limited group preparation and the simulation would be in front of the class (a form of oral presentation). No written submission/document would be required.

Another group assignment would have a group of 3 or 4 students prepare a 500 word memorandum outlining the risks and opportunities related to the implementation of AI solutions within an organization.

Topics covered will include but not be limited to:

  • Overview of international and Canadian cybersecurity landscape
  • Overview of international and Canadian AI landscape
  • Cloud computing basics
  • Supply chain cybersecurity risk management
  • Cybersecurity considerations for business transactions
  • Cyber incident management, including cross border considerations
  • Reporting and notification requirements under international and Canadian privacy laws
  • Reporting to and working with law enforcement
  • Legal privilege during breach response
  • Litigation exposure
  • Key considerations in AI commercial agreements
  • Use of AI by employees
  • Data privacy and copyright issues related to AI
Class participation (10%); cyber simulation (10%); group assignment on AI (10%); and a final paper of 3,500 words (70%).
Academic year
2024 - 2025

At a Glance

Second Term



18 JD


T: 6:10 - 8:00 pm