Prof. Jacob Ziegel - "Canada's Top Court Has Sold Out Consumers"

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Prof. Emeritus Jacob Ziegel takes the Supreme Court to task for their recent judgements regarding class-action suits ("Supreme sellout: Canada's Top Court Has Sold Out Consumers By Handing Businesses An Easy Way To Avoid Class Action Suits," August 9, 2007).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Brenda Cossman - "Don't pit adoptive moms against biological moms"

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Prof. Brenda Cossman has written a commentary in the Globe and Mail discussing a recent Federal Court of Appeal decision that adoptive mothers do not have a right to the same amount of paid leave as biological mothers ("Don't pit adoptive moms against biological moms," August 20, 2007).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Jacob Ziegel - "Repeal loan law"

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Prof. Emeritus Jacob Ziegel has written a commentary in the Financial Post analyzing the problems with the criminal usury provisions in section 347 of the Criminal Code, adopted in 1981 ("Repeal loan law," July 4, 2007).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Audrey Macklin and Darryl Robinson interviewed on CTV about Khadr case

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Prof. Audrey Macklin and Adjunct Professor and Acting Director of the International Human Rights Clinic Darryl Robinson were interviewed on CTV Newsnet regarding the trial by a U.S. military commission of Omar Khadr, the Canadian held in Guantanamo Bay. Prof. Macklin was interviewed preceding the trial, and Darryl Robinson was interviewed on the breaking news that charges against Khadr were dropped.

Prof. Lorraine Weinrib - "Israel debates Canadaís notwithstanding clause"

Thursday, October 11, 2007

In her monthly column in Law Times, Prof. Lorraine Weinrib discusses the way in which the current debate in Israel over the role of the Israeli Supreme Court makes use of the Canadian experience with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Read the full column on the Law Times website.

Prof. Ernest Weinrib - "A betrayal of the teaching profession"

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Prof. Ernest Weinrib has published a commentary in the National Post condemning the proposal by British university teachers to boycott Israeli academic institutions ("'A betrayal of the teaching profession'," June 8, 2007).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Lemmens launches new "Genetic Information, Privacy and Biobanks" website

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Prof. Trudo Lemmens, of the Faculty of Law's Health Law and Policy Group, with Research Associate Lori Luther, has launched a new website devoted to providing accessible information about issues related to genetic information, privacy, and the recent phenomenon of "biobanks" (databanks of human genetic information).

This new website, hosted by the Faculty of Law, can be found at

Please read the invitation from Prof. Lemmens and Lori Luther, below.

Prof. Ernest Weinrib receives teaching award

Thursday, October 11, 2007

In May 2007, University of Toronto law professor Ernest Weinrib was named one of Ontario's most outstanding university teachers in a province-wide competition adjudicated by the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) Awards Committee. He received a 2006 OCUFA teaching award at a ceremony in Toronto on June 8, 2007.

Read the award citation.

Read the OCUFA press release.

Darryl Robinson interviewed on CBC Newsworld about Charles Taylor trial

Friday, July 6, 2007

Darryl Robinson, Adjunct Professor and Acting Director of the International Human Rights Clinic, was interviewed on CBC Newsworld on June 3, 2007 about the Charles Taylor trial.  Charles Taylor, former President of Liberia, faces trial at the International Court of Justice in the Hague for directing rebel groups that carried out war crimes and crimes against humanity in Sierra Leone. 

Prof. Lorraine Weinrib - "Conservatives cling to the old Bill of Rights"

Friday, July 6, 2007

In her monthly "Second Opinion" column for Law Times, Prof. Lorraine Weinrib analyzes the Conservative government's response to the 25th anniversary of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms ("Conservatives cling to the old Bill of Rights," May 14, 2007).

Read the full commentary.