Prof. Michael Trebilcock - "Blowing away taxpayers"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Prof. Michael Trebilcock has published a commentary in the Financial Post calling for a re-evaluation of the Province of Ontario's policies regarding wind power ("Blowing away taxpayers," March 6, 2010).

Read the full commentary.

Professor Ran Hirschl to deliver prestigious lecture at Oxford

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Professor Ran Hirschl will deliver the endowed Foundation for Law, Justice, and Society Annual Lecture at Oxford University. Previous speakers include such noted luminaries as Douglass North (Nobel Laureate and Professor of Economics at Stanford University), Cass Sunstein (noted legal theorist and Professor of Law at Harvard Law School), and Aharon Barak (former President of the Supreme Court of Israel).

Prof. Ben Alarie - "Tax law on poker winnings: Read it and weep"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In a commentary in the Globe and Mail, Prof. Ben Alarie analyzes the confusing state of Canadian tax law regarding poker winnings ("Tax law on poker winnings: Read it and weep," March 24, 2010).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Ayelet Shachar's "The Birthright Lottery" featured in U of T Magazine

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Some of the ideas in Prof. Ayelet Shachar's recent book The Birthright Lottery are featured in the "Leading Edge" feature of the Spring 2010 issue of U of T Magazine.

Read the article on the U of T Magazine website.

Prof. Ed Morgan - "Canadian educators need education on hate speech"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Prof. Ed Morgan has published a commentary in the National Post online edition about the limited scope of Canada's hate speech laws ("Canadian educators need education on hate speech," March 22, 2010).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Patrick Macklem - "Conditions on all reserves in Canada violate Constitution"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In a commentary for The Hill Times, Prof. Patrick Macklem discusses how conditions on reserves violate the rights of First Nations communities in Canada ("Social, economic conditions on all reserves in Canada violate Constitution," March 1, 2010).

Read the full commentary here.

Prof. Douglas Sanderson discusses "The State of Aboriginal Affairs" on TVO's The Agenda (webcast)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Prof. Douglas Sanderson took part in a panel discussion about "The State of Aboriginal Affairs" on TVO's The Agenda with Steve Paikin on Feb. 19, 2010.

Watch the panel discussion on the TVO website.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission faces challenges in its quest

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

By Lucianna Ciccocioppo

Justice Murray Sinclair
Justice Murray Sinclair speaks at the Faculty of Law

View the webcast of Justice Sinclair's speech 

(webcast includes introductory remarks)

Prof. Ian Lee provides Canadian perspective in Australia's Charter of Rights debate

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Prof. Ian Lee is currently a visiting scholar at the Sydney law school, University of Sydney. In a commentary in the Western Australia news site WA Today, Prof. Ian Lee contributes some insights from the Canadian experience to the current debate in Australia about establishing a charter of rights ("Look to past policies, not present, to gauge charter's need," March 1, 2010).

Read the full commentary.

New book out by International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Program

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gender Stereotyping: Transnational Legal PerspectivesCongratulations to Prof. Rebecca Cook and Simone Cusack on the publication of their book, Gender Stereotyping: Transnational Legal Perspectives, now available in hardcover from the University of Pennsylvania Press.