Friday, September 17, 2010

Prof. Brenda CossmanLaw professor Brenda Cossman’s significant contributions to legal writing were recognized with an Ontario Mundell Award, presented by the Attorney General June 17, 2010.

An internationally acclaimed expert in law and sexuality, feminist legal studies, family and comparative law, international human rights, and the criminal law of obscenity and indecency Cossman, LLB 1986, has generated interest in these issues among academics and the public, and has influenced developments in the law.

She is the director of the Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies and is a member of the Women and Gender Studies Institute at the University of Toronto.

In a press release, Attorney General Chris Bentley, LLB 1979, said "I am pleased to recognize Brenda Cossman as one of  the recipients of this year's Mundell Medal. [Her] scholarly and diverse writings have made the law more accessible to academics and the public. I look forward to future works.”

The Mundell Award was created in 1986 by former Attorney General Ian Scott to honour members of the legal profession who have made exceptional contributions to legal writing. David W. Mundell was a renowned constitutional lawyer and the first director of the Ministry of the Attorney General’s constitutional law branch.