Prof. Jeffrey MacIntosh - "Systemic fallacy"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

In the second of a two-part series, Prof. Jeffrey MacIntosh has published a commentary in the Financial Post arguing that, based on recent experience, federal securities regulators are no more capable of addressing systemic risk than provincial ones ("Systemic fallacy," November 24, 2010).

Read the full commentary.

Rights of Children Need Consideration in Polygamy Reference, says Asper Centre

Thursday, January 6, 2011

(Toronto, Nov. 19, 2010) The rights of children need to be seriously considered during the polygamy reference case before the Supreme Court of British Columbia. This is the primary message in the position that the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC) and the David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights (DACCR) at the University of  Toronto Faculty of Law will put before Chief Justice Robert Bauman at the commencement of the hearing on November 22, 2010.

Chief Law Librarian John Papadopoulos co-authors "The Practical Guide to Canadian Legal Research"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Practical Guide to Canadian Legal ResearchChief Law Librarian John Papadopoulos (currently on leave) is one of the co-authors of the recently released Third Edition of The Practical Guide to Canadian Legal Research (Carswell).

Prof. Michael Trebilcock nominated for Globe and Mail's "Transformational Canadians" program

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Prof. Michael Trebilcock is one of the nominees for national newspaper The Globe and Mail's "25 Transformational Canadians" program. The program is selecting the chosen 25 from the nominees over the course of November and December, and reveals the complete list in early 2011.

Prof. Ran Hirschl publishes new book, "Constitutional Theocracy"

Friday, December 3, 2010

Prof. Ran Hirschl has published a new book, Constitutional Theocracy (Harvard University Press, 2010).

From the publisher:

Prof. Michael Treblicock - "Cartel hypocrisy"

Friday, December 3, 2010

In a commentary in the Financial Post, Prof. Michael Trebilcock argues that the Canpotex potash cartel should end, since Canada is opposing other non-Canadian international export cartels ("Cartel hypocrisy," October 1, 2010).

Read the full commentary.

New faculty appointment: Douglas Sanderson

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Faculty of Law is delighted to announce that Douglas Sanderson will be joining us as a full-time faculty member as of July 1, 2009. 

Prof. Sujit Choudhry lands coveted Trudeau Fellowship prize

Friday, December 3, 2010

By Lucianna Ciccocioppo 

Prof. Sujit Choudhry(Sept. 28, 2010) Professor Sujit Choudhry of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law has been awarded a coveted $225,000 Trudeau Foundation Fellowship prize today in recognition of his outstanding scholarly contributions and wide-ranging involvement in Canadian and international public policy.

Faculty of Law Self-Study Report

Friday, December 3, 2010

As part of the cyclical review conducted every five years, the Faculty of Law undertakes a self-study report. The 2010 Self-Study report has now been completed and is available below: