Friday, April 8, 2011

On the Foreign Policy magazine website, Prof. Mohammad Fadel has written an analysis comparing two crises, the sub-prime mortgage collapse and the popular demonstrations in Arab states, arguing that they were both in fact predictable and predicted, rather than being unpredictable "black swan" events ("Can Black Swans lead to a sustainable Arab-Israeli peace?", February 2, 2011).

Read the article on the Foreign Policy website.

Prof. Fadel has also written other web commentaries on the situation in Egypt, including "Why Egyptians Should Insist that Citizen Mubarak Stay" on Palestine Note, "Five Solutions to the Crisis in Egypt" on The Mark, and "The Demands of the Egyptian January 25th Youth Movement" on the Faculty Blog. He was  interviewed and took part in a panel discussion on TVO's The Agenda, and he also spoke about his personal connection to Egypt with U of T's The Bulletin.