Welcome Message from Dean Jutta Brunnée

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Dean Jutta Brunnee

Photo by Alice Xue Photography

Dear Law School Community,

Professor Anver Emon receives SSHRC Partnership Development Grant

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Several University of Toronto researchers received support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) through Partnership Grants announced on August 29.

Film 'Without Precedent' celebrates the supreme life of U of T alumna Rosalie Abella

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Without Precedent: The Supreme Life of Rosalie Abella: Rosalie Abella with her late husband, Irving Abella (BA 1963 UC, MA 1964, Hon. LLD 2014), a professor emeritus of history at York University who held the J. Richard Shiff Chair for the Study of Canadian Jewry (images courtesy of Melbar Entertainment Group).

Equal rights champion. Trailblazer. Icon.

Statement regarding a corporate donation to the Faculty of Law 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

In December 2021, the Faculty of Law received a donation from Amazon in the amount of US $450,000.

Now in paperback - Valley of the Birdtail: An Indian Reserve, a White Town, and the Road to Reconciliation

Thursday, August 24, 2023

“This is a remarkable book, combining wonderful stories with historical, legal, and political analysis on a subject that is critical to our future in Canada and around the world.” — Bob Rae (BA 1969 UC, LLB 1977, Hon LLD 1999, Hon DLitt 2022 VIC), Canada's Ambassador to the United Nations

Andrew Stobo Sniderman and Douglas Sanderson (Amo Binashii)

vLex "Fastcase 50" honours U of T Law Prof Benjamin Alarie as a legal tech visionary

Thursday, August 24, 2023


Awarded by vLex, legal intelligence company, the "Fastcase 50 Honorees" award honours the law’s "smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries, lawyers, and leaders." 

Private citizen of the world: Remembering U of T’s Karen Knop

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Karen Knop

(Photo by Veikko Somerpuro courtesy of the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies)

The University of Toronto Faculty of Law is recognizing the extraordinary scholarship of Karen Knop (1960-2022), a professor of international law who held the Faculty’s Cecil A. Wright Chair.

An ‘eye-opening’ experience: Supporting student caseworkers at U of T’s Downtown Legal Services

Monday, August 21, 2023

Downtown Legal Services Fasken Building

Lawyer and clinic director, Prasanna Balasundaram (far left), with staff lawyers Asiya Hirji and Jennifer Fehr, alongside staff and summer caseworkers on the steps of the Fasken Building, home to U of T's community legal clinic and clinical legal education program, Downtown Legal Services.