Prof. Mohammad Fadel - "Why Egyptian progressives should be chanting 'economy first'"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Prof. Mohammade Fadel has written a commentary in Foreign Policy magazine's The Middle East Channel arguing that Egypt's reformers should focus on economic issues first ("Why Egyptian progressives should be chanting 'economy first'", July 18, 2011).

Read the full article on the Foreign Policy website.

Prof. Jacob Ziegel - "Who can regulate Canadian securities?"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

In a commentary in the National Post, Prof. Jacob Ziegel provides an overview of the constitutional issues that the Supreme Court of Canada will have to consider in the Securities Act reference ("Who can regulate Canadian securities?", July 15, 2011).

Read the full article on the Faculty Blog.

"A Courtroom Drama" - JD student Lwam Ghebrehariat featured in "Canadian Lawyer 4 Students" magazine

Saturday, November 12, 2011

JD student Lwam Ghebrehariat has been profiled in Canadian Lawyer 4 Students magazine ("A Courtroom Drama," Spring 2011). In the profile, Ghebrehariat discusses the role that his acting career has played in his path to law school.

Read the profile on the Canadian Lawyer 4 Students website.

Prof. Ed Morgan - "The surprise factor of Palestinian sovereignty"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

In a commentary in the Globe and Mail, Prof. Ed Morgan looks at the legal issues involved in the attempt by Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas to have the United Nations declare his country a state. He suggests it could have some unexpected results ("The surprise factor of Palestinian sovereignty," September 21, 2011).

Read the full commentary.

IHRP Releases Guide "On Disputed Ground" for reviews of mining, oil, gas CSR

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The International Human Rights Program (“IHRP”) at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law is pleased to announce the release of a plain-language guide to assist affected communities to access the Review Process of the Office of the Extractive Sector Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Counsellor for Canada (“CSR Counsellor”).  The report, called On Disputed Ground: A Community User’s Guide to the Review Process of the Office of the Extractive Sector Corporate Social Responsibility Counsellor (Canada), was produced by a group of volunteer law students in the 2010-2011

Webcast - Asper Centre discussion, "G20: Lessons Learned, Messages Lost"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights, with the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Labour Congress, held a panel discussion, "G20: Lessons Learned, Messages Lost," on June 23, 2011. The panel was moderated by award-winning Toronto Star journalist Bob Hepburn, and included panelists Clayton Ruby, John Sewell, Meaghan Daniel, and Hassan Yussuff.

Prof. Jacob Ziegel - "The right way to pick Supreme Court judges"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

In a commentary in the National Post, Prof. Jacob Ziegel analyzes the procedure announced by the federal government for the selection of new members of the Supreme Court of Canada, and calls for a better system to be implemented ("The right way to pick Supreme Court judges," August 19, 2011).

Read the full commentary.

Two students report from the west coast on their Asper/IHRP internship work

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Two U of T law students, Chris Evans and Megan Strachan, are volunteering with organizations working on human rights law, both on the west coast, thanks to internships from the Asper Centre together with the International Human Rights Program. The funding comes from the John and Mary A. Yaremko Programme in Multiculturalism and Human Rights.

U of T Law ranked #1 in sustainability among Canadian law schools

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Corporate Knights magazine has once again ranked the University of Toronto Faculty of Law first for sustainability among Canadian law schools.