Thursday, April 12, 2012

<p > Donor appreciation night
Paul Michell '94, Dean Mayo Moran '99, John D. Gregory '74 and John B. Laskin '76

More than 40 law alumni, benefactors and students attended the Donor Appreciation Reception in the Faculty Lounge on April 3, 2012.

It’s an annual event to provide students a wonderful opportunity to network with alumni and donors, including John B. Laskin, LLB ’76, president of the Law Alumni Association, Chief Justice Warren Winkler and Distinguished Alumnus Award recipient Henry N. R. (Hal) Jackman, LLB ’56.

Donors were thanked for their ongoing support of the Excellence Fund which supports many student programs as well as the Faculty of Law’s many bursaries, awards and prizes, which provide financial aid to students.  Speakers included Albert Lin (incoming SLS president), Dean Mayo Moran and 2L Kate Genest.