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Canadian Constitutional Law, 5th ed. (Emond Montgomery 2017) (co-editor with Patrick Macklem, Carol Rogerson and others); 4th ed. (Emond Montgomery 2010) (co-editor with Patrick Macklem, Carol Rogerson and others)

Cases, Materials and Notes on Partnerships and Canadian Business Corporations, 6th ed. (Thomson Carswell 2011) (co-editor with Poonam Puri and others); 5th ed. (Thomson Carswell 2004) (co-editor with Doug Haris and others)  

Edited collection

Regulating Creation: The Law, Ethics and Policy of Assisted Human Reproduction (co-editor, with Trudo Lemmens, Andrew F. martin and Cheryl Milne) (UT Press 2017). See the publisher's web site.


"'Pith and substance' re-examined," forthcoming in the Canadian Bar Review (Sept. 2025). 

"The Freedom to Conduct a Business: A Comparative Law Perspective --- Canada", European Parliamentary Research Service (2024).

“Le concept de RSE,” in Ivan Tchotourian, ed., Zones frontières et entreprise socialement responsable (Presses de l’Université Laval 2021)

“La finance durable et l’économie comportementale” in Bouthinon-Dumas, François and Müller, eds., Finance Durable et Droit: Perspectives Comparées, Actes du Colloque du 22 octobre 2019 (IRJS Sorbonne 2020)

“Préface: Repenser l’entreprise,” in Ivan Tchotourian, Entreprises et responsabilité sociale: la gouvernance en question (Presses de l’Université Laval 2019)

"Understanding Corporate Criminal Liability," forthcoming in Barnali Choudhury and Martin Petrin, eds., Understanding the Company: Corporate Governance and Theory (Cambridge UP 2017). See the publisher's web site.

"Licensing and the AHRA Reference," in T. Lemmens et al., The Law, Ethics and Policy of Assisted Human Reproduction (UT Press 2017). See the publisher's web site.

"The Assisted Human Reproduction Act Reference and the Criminal Law Power,"  (2012) 90 Canadian Bar Review 471-493. Full text available here. 

"The General Trade and Commerce Power after the Securities Reference," in Anita Anand, ed., What Next for Canada? Securities Regulation after the Reference (Irwin 2012). Pre-print available here. See also the publisher's web site.

"The Role of the Public Interest in Corporate Law," in Claire Hill and Brett McDonnell, eds., Research Handbook on the Economics of Corporate Law (Elgar 2012). Full text available from SSRN.

"Corporate Criminal Responsibility as Team-member Responsibility," (2011) 31 (4) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 755-781. Full text available from Oxford Journals.

"Balancing and its Alternatives: Jurisprudential Choice, Federal Securities Legislation and the Trade and Commerce Power," (2011) 50 Canadian Business Law Journal 72-105. Pre-print available here. 

"Economie, travail et Constitution," in JurisClasseur Québec, coll. "Droit public," Droit constitutionnel, fasc. 17 (2011-current). Publisher's web site.

"Le marché du droit : observations néoclassiques sur les rapports Doing Business," in Gaudreault-Desbiens et al., ed., Convergence, concurrence et harmonisation des systèmes juridiques 78-92 (Thémis 2009) Full text available here.  Publisher's web site.

"Citizenship and the Corporation," (2009) 34 Law & Social Inquiry 129-168. Full-text preprint available here.

"Can Economics Justify the Constitutional Guarantee of Freedom of Expression?" (2008) 21 Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 355-97. Full text available here.

"Implications of Sen's Concept of Commitment for the Economic Understanding of the Corporation" (2008) 21 Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 97. Full text available here.

"Corporate Law and the Role of Corporations in Society: Monism, Pluralism, Markets and Politics" (2006) 85 Canadian Bar Review 1. Full text available here. 

"Efficiency and Ethics in the Debate about Shareholder Primacy" (2006) 31 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 533. Full text available from SSRN.

"Democracy Versus Economics in Corporate Governance" Book Review of The Companies We Keep by A.C. Hutchinson (Irwin 2005), (2006) 44 Canadian Business Law Journal 130. (download paper)

"Ethical Investing: Implications for Corporate Law and Corporate Social Responsibility" in G.J. Rossouw & A.J. Sison, eds., Global Perspectives on Ethics of Corporate Governance (Palgrave, 2006) 9. Publisher's web site.

"Is There a Cure for Corporate 'Psychopathy'?" (2005) 42 American Business Law Journal 65. Full text available here.

"Corporate Law, Profit Maximization and the 'Responsible' Shareholder" (2005) 10 Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance 31. Full text available from Westlaw (password required). Full-text preprint available here. (view abstract)

"Peoples Department Stores v. Wise and the 'Best Interests of the Corporation'" (2005) 41 Canadian Business Law Journal 212. Full text available from SSRN

Cases, Materials and Notes on Partnerships and Canadian Business Corporations, 5th ed., (with P. Puri, A. Anand, R. Daniels, A. Dhir, E. Iacobucci, J. MacIntosh, E. Waitzer & J. Ziegel) (Carswell, 2011). Available here from Carswell.

"Fairness and Insider Trading" [2002] Columbia Business Law Review 119. Full text available from Westlaw (password required).

"In Search of a Theory of State Liability in the European Union" (1999) Harvard Law School Jean Monnet Working Paper No. 9/99.

"La règle du tiers pays sûr au regard de l'article 12 de la Charte canadienne " (1994) 73 Canadian Bar Review 372.

"L'agression sexuelle et la justice fondamentale: réflexions sur l'obligation d'agir raisonnablement" (1994) 26 Ottawa Law Review 47.

"Free Movement of Goods in the European Community: A Critique of the Jurisprudence on Article 30 of the Treaty of Rome" (1993) 24 Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke 121.

Op-ed articles 

“Two Myths about Corporate Political Speech,” Nexus (Spring/Summer 2011)

"Securities regulation: it's not just a label," The Lawyers' Weekly, April 1, 2011

"Look to past policies, not to present, to gauge charter's need," The Age (Melbourne), March 1, 2010

"Memo to the left: don't abandon corporate social responsibility," The Lawyers' Weekly, February 15, 2008

"Income trusts are neither unfair nor socially harmful," The Globe and Mail (web-exclusive comment), November 8, 2006

"There's a logic to dual-class shares," The Financial Post, November 8, 2005

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