Ian Lee
Associate Professor

Jackman Law Building
78 Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C5   

Tel.: 416-946-8232

Ian B. Lee clerked with Justice Claire L'Heureux-Dubé of the Supreme Court of Canada and Justice Mark MacGuigan of the Federal Court of Appeal, and later served as a legal researcher with the Privy Council Office. He practised with a global law firm in Paris, France, and New York, New York, before joining the Faculty of Law in 2003. He served as Associate Dean (JD Program) from 2012 to 2015. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of constitutional law, corporate law and European Union law. He has also taught at the University of Sydney Law School and at the University of Graz. Professor Lee is admitted to practice in Ontario and New York.

B.Com. - University of Toronto (1991)
LL.B. - University of Toronto (1994)
LL.M. - Harvard Law School (1998)
Selected publications

"'Pith and substance' re-examined," forthcoming in the Canadian Bar Review (Sept. 2025). 

"The Freedom to Conduct a Business: A Comparative Law Perspective --- Canada", European Parliamentary Research Service (2024). EPRS web site.

“Économie, travail et Constitution” in JurisClasseur Québec, coll. Droit public, Droit constitutionnel (LexisNexis, 2011-current). Publisher's web site.

"Corporate Criminal Responsibility as Team-member Responsibility," 31 (4) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 755-781 (2011). Full text available from Oxford Journals.

"Balancing and its Alternatives: Jurisprudential Choice, Federal Securities Legislation and the Trade and Commerce Power," (2011) 50 Canadian Business Law Journal 72-105.  Pre-print available here.

“Citizenship and the Corporation”  (2009) 34 Law & Social Inquiry 129-168. Full-text preprint available here.

"Can Economics Justify the Constitutional Guarantee of Freedom of Expression?" (2008) 21 Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 355-97. Full text available here.

"Implications of Sen's Concept of Commitment for the Economic Understanding of the Corporation" (2008) 21 Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 97.  Full text available here.

Research areas
Business Corporations
Canadian Constitutional Law
Charter of Rights
Comparative Law