Constitutionalizing Economic Globalization: Investment Rules and Democracy's Promise ISBN-13: 9780521692038 Publisher: Cambridge University Press, 2008 Suggested retail price: $45.00
From the publisher: Are foreign investors the privileged citizens of a new constitutional order that guarantees rates of return on investment interests? This book explores the linkages between a new investment rules regime and state constitutions - between a constitution-like regime for the protection of foreign investment and the constitutional projects of national states. The investment rules regime, as in classical accounts of constitutionalism, considers democratically authorized state action as inherently suspect. Despite the myriad purposes served by constitutionalism, the investment rules regime aims solely to enforce limits, both inside and outside of national constitutional systems, beyond which citizen-driven politics will be disabled. Drawing on contemporary and historical case studies, the author argues that any transnational regime should encourage innovation, experimentation, and the capacity to imagine alternative futures for managing the relationship between politics and markets. These objectives have been best accomplished via democratic institutions operating at national, sub-national, and local levels. Back to Top |
A Globally Integrated Climate Policy for CanadaEdited by Professors Jutta Brunnée, David G. Duff, Andrew J. Green and Steven Bernstein ISBN978-0-9878-8 (cloth) ISBN 978-0-8020-1 (paper) Publisher: University of Toronto Press, 2008 Suggested retail price: $80.00
From the publisher: Canada has been an engaged participant in global climate change negotiations since the late 1980s. Until recently, Canadian policy seemed to be driven in large part by a desire to join in multilateral efforts to address climate change. By contrast, current policy is seeking a 'made in Canada' approach to the issue. Recent government-sponsored analytic efforts as well as the government's own stated policies have been focused almost entirely on domestic regulation and incentives, domestic opportunities for technological responses, domestic costs, domestic carbon markets, and the setting of a domestic carbon 'price' at a level that sends the appropriate marketplace signal to produce needed reductions. A Globally Integrated Climate Policy for Canada builds on the premise that Canada is in need of an approach that effectively integrates domestic priorities and global policy imperatives. Leading Canadian and international experts explore policy ideas and options from a range of disciplinary perspectives, including science, law, political science, economics, and sociology. Chapters explore the costs, opportunities, or imperatives to participate in international diplomatic initiatives and regimes, the opportunities and impacts of regional or global carbon markets, the proper mix of domestic policy tools, the parameters of Canadian energy policy, and the dynamics that propel or hinder the Canadian policy process. Back to Top |

Health and Human RightsProfessors Rebecca Cook and Charles G.NgwenaISBN: 978-0-7546-2618-3 Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2007 Suggested Retail Price: $275.00 From the publisher: This book addresses challenges of applying human rights to promote health in settings ranging from the local to the global. This work explores determinants of ill-health, including poverty, gender, violence and stigma, examines ways of promoting self-determination in health, and shows how courts have applied rights to improve access to health services. Back to Top |
Immigration And Refugee Law: Cases, Materials And CommentaryProfessors Audrey Macklin, Emily Carasco, Sharryn Aiken and Donald Galloway ISBN: 978-1-55239-123-5 Publisher: Emond Montgomery, 2007 Suggested retail price: $100.00
From the publisher: Immigration and Refugee Law is the most up-to-date book of its kind. This ambitious text surveys the historical origins of contemporary immigration and refugee law. Using carefully selected excerpts from the writings of leading scholars, and commentary by the learned author team, this casebook provides several theoretical frameworks for normative critique, offering students various perspectives in a cohesive and comprehensible manner. National migration law and policy is examined in a global context, and brings to the surface race, gender, and class dimensions. Current issues of domestic refugee law and pressures on the international refugee regime are explored. The authors also highlight the links between security concerns and immigration post 9/11, and draw connections to broader trends. Back to Top |
Canadian Bankruptcy & Insolvency Law: Bill C-55, Statute C.47 and BeyondEdited by Professors Anthony Duggan and Stephanie Ben-Ishai ISBN: 978-0-433-45355-0 (Hardcopy) ISBN: 978-0-433-45356 (Paperback) Publisher: Lexis Nexis, 2007 Suggested retail price: $125.00 (HC) and $80.00 (PB)
From the publisher: Canadian bankruptcy law faces a unique situation. Statute c.47 was enacted in late 2005 but has not yet come into force. The "2007 Amending Bill"now calls for substantial amendments to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, and Statute c.47. What exactly do these proposed reforms mean? What influence can parliamentarians, practitioners, and academics exert during this "window period" to change Canadian bankruptcy and insolvency legislation? Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law: Bill C-55, Statute c.47 and Beyond tackles these issues from a wide range of perspectives. Respected Professors Anthony Duggan and Stephanie Ben-Ishai analyze the proposed reforms and related political concerns. Back to Top |
Commercial Law Challenges in the 21st CenturyEdited by Professors Jacob Ziegel, Ross Cranston and Jan Ramberg ISBN: 978-91-7678-674-1 Publisher: Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law, 2007 Suggested Retail Price: $129.00
From the publisher: This is a book of essays written by mainly European scholars in honour of Jan Hellner, a distinguished professor of insurance and comparative law at Stockholm University, who passed away several years ago. The three editors were all friends and admirers of Hellner. Editor, Jan Ramberg, is a distinguished Swedish commercial law scholar and holds the chair at Stockholm University previously held by Jan Hellner; Ross Cranston is a judge of the High Court of England and Wales; and Jacob Ziegel is professor emeritus at the U of T Faculty of Law and a former president of the International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law. Back to Top |