Thursday, February 19, 2009

On Friday February 20, 2009, the Centre for the Legal Profession at the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, is hosting a Symposium on "Lifelong Learning in Professionalism" organized by the Chief Justice of Ontario's Advisory Committee on Professionalism. 

The Symposium is being sponsored by the Law Foundation of Ontario, with additional support from the Law Society of Upper Canada. The Symposium features panel discussions with noted academic scholars, members of the judiciary, and legal practitioners.

The day will begin with an exploration of the scope and importance of lifelong learning, and continue with an examination of what can be learned from other jurisdictions and the role of various stakeholders within the legal profession in advancing education in professionalism. The day will close with the 2009 Annual Goodman Lecture, delivered by the Honourable Justice Stephen Goudge of the Court of Appeal for Ontario.

The symposium will be webcast live on Friday Feb. 20 beginning at 9:00 am EST. The webcast will also remain available as an archive after the event.

Visit the Symposium web page and watch the webcast.