Friday, September 21, 2012


Third-year student Grant Bishop is the winner of the 2012 Canadian Bar Association James H. Bocking Memorial Award for his paper, “Issues for Two-Sided Platforms in Canadian Competition Law.” The CBA award is presented annually for the best scholarly paper submitted to its CBA’s National Competition Law Section on a subject directly related to Canadian competition law or policy.

Bishop’s paper discusses a general enforcement policy for restrictions imposed on participants of a two-sided platform by its operator and applies the policy to recent cases between Visa and MasterCard, and the Toronto Real Estate Board.

In a news release, the CBA’s chair of the national competition section Brian Facey said: “The award jury was impressed by the imaginative analysis of the paper, its insightful comparison of the differences between the two cases, and its innovative policy conclusions.” Facey, a partner at Blakes, Cassels & Graydon LLP in Toronto, added: “In particular, the jury praised the in-depth analysis of the cases – especially given the complexity of the two industries and their underlying economics.”

Read the full release here.