Friday, March 23, 2012

Success and Serendipity event

(Feb. 23, 2012) The Internationally Trained Lawyers Program (ITLP) at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law hosted its second annual conference this week, "Success and Serendipity 2012: The Multicultural Leader.”  The event brought together a panel of notable leaders in a variety of professions, including law to discuss the topics of serendipity, culture, leadership and newcomer challenges.

The distinguished panel at the Feb. 21 event included Dr. Soosan Latham (author of “The Multicultural Leader:  Life Stories of Influence and Achievement”, York University professor and former vice-president human resources at JP Morgan); Dr. Mary Anne Chambers, former Ontario cabinet minister and retired senior vice-president, Scotiabank; Mr. Chia-yi Chua, partner, tax litigation, McCarthy Tétrault LLP; the Honourable Mr. Justice Russell Juriansz, of the Court of Appeal of Ontario; and Senator Vivienne Poy, entrepreneur, author, community activist, designer and Chancellor Emerita, University of Toronto.

<p > Success and Serendipity panel

Following a warm welcome by Associate Dean (Graduate) Jutta Brunnée, Gina Alexandris, director of the ITLP, moderated the "fireside chat.”  The panel shared with the well-attended audience their experiences of serendipity and “chance” events which significantly shaped and impacted their professional and personal journeys.  In discussing their individual and unique experiences as newcomers to Canada, a number of them highlighted the need to be flexible, open to change and chance, and willing to take initiative.  Panelists then shared their views on leadership and the influence of culture.  Respect, responsibility and courage were among some of the common themes raised by the panelists. 

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Referring to the panel as "role models" who inspired confidence in others, an audience member invited the guests to name those who had inspired them the most 

“This provided a tremendous opportunity for panelists to honour and acknowledge those who had made a difference to them, and included parents or other family members, colleagues and mentors, professors and staff members.  The value and influence of mentorship, both to mentors and mentees was clear,” said Alexandris.  And as Brunnée commented in thanking the panelists on behalf of the ITLP and Faculty of Law, the conversation was "genuinely meaningful.”

<p > Success and Serendipity - reception

The ITLP is funded by the Governments of Ontario and Canada.

Photos: Cliff Spicer