Monday, March 12, 2012

The Geography of Civil Legal Services in Ontario

The Centre for the Legal Profession hosted “Access to Justice for All” on Feb. 10, 2012, to promote discussion about “one of the most defining issues in the legal profession in Ontario.” The roundtable occurred on the one-year anniversary of the law school’s highly successful Access to Justice Colloquium.

To kick off the roundtable, the Faculty of Law’s Prof. Albert Yoon presented The Geography of Civil Legal Services in Ontario report, which he co-authored with researcher and law alumnus Jamie Baxter.

The report is the mapping phase of the Ontario Civil Legal Needs Project, to get a better understanding of the geographic location of lawyers and services, and how it affects supply and demand in Ontario.

In addition to Yoon, distinguished panelists included: John McCamus, chair of Legal Aid Ontario, and Osgoode Hall Law Schoo professor; Lorne Sossin, dean of Osgoode Hall Law School and past vice chair, Pro Bono Law Ontario; Marion Boyd, bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada and co-chair of the Access to Justice Committee; Prof. Anita Anand, Centre for the Legal Profession, University of Toronto Faculty of Law, and chair of the Ontario Securities Commission’s Investor Advisory Panel; Lee Ann Chapman, triage lawyer, Pro Bono Law Ontario at SickKids Hospital; Matt Cohen, director, Law Help Ontario; and Prof. Michael Trebilcock, University of Toronto Faculty of Law.

You can read a summary of the roundtable, which was liveblogged, here:

The roundtable was an accredited Continuing Professional Development course on access to justice issues. View for more information on upcoming events and courses offered by the Centre for the Legal Profession.