The Health Law Group and
the David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights
Reference re. Assisted Human Reproduction Act
Implications of the Supreme Court’s Decision
November 4-5, 2011
Bennett Lecture Hall
Flavelle House, Faculty of Law
The Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in the Reference re. the Assisted Human Reproduction Act this past spring striking down some sections and leaving others intact on constitutional grounds. What does this mean for future practice and regulation in this area? What are the regulatory implications for other areas of law that have federal and provincial impacts? What does this mean for reproductive and privacy rights in Canada? How can Canada regulate this area in the global picture?
Keynote presentations to include a dialogue between Preston Manning and Carolyn Bennett moderated by Steve Paikin of TVO’s The Agenda; viewing of CBC documentary, Bio-Dad with producer Barry Stevens
Speakers include Joseph Arvay, Timothy Caulfield, Françoise Baylis, Karen Busby, Bernard Dickens, Colleen Flood, Lisa Ikemoto, Juliet Guichon, Peter Hogg, Emily Jackson, Trudo Lemmens, Marilyn Pilkington, Carol Rogerson, Ian Lee, Clifford Librach, Erin Nelson, Marie-Claude Prémont, Glenn Rivard, Shirley Levitan, Hoi Kong
Topics covered will include:
General overview of the case
Quebec’s arguments for the challenge
Use of the criminal law power
Ethical dimensions of AHR; why is AHR practice different from general medical practice
AHRA and reproductive rights; rights of children
Implications for the current federal regulatory state
Current legal landscape and it practical implications for lawyers, medical practitioners and families
International perspectives
Registration Fee: $200.00
(reduced rates for government and NGOs ($100), students($35))