John Stransman Memorial Lecture

John StransmanJohn Stransman was one of the Faculty of Law’s most talented graduates. Sadly, this magnificent lawyer died at a young age after a battle with cancer.  A graduate of Law Class of 1977, Stransman was one of Canada’s top corporate lawyers.  Known as a soft-spoken negotiator who excelled at bringing opponents together to resolve complex issues, he guided many of the country’s largest companies through high-profile takeover and securities cases as a senior partner with Toronto-based law firm Stikeman Elliott.

In memory of John Stransman - a gifted lawyer, a doting father and husband - his family and friends sponsored a lecture that invited a leading non-lawyer to deliver a lecture on a subject of interest to the law school community.


The John Stransman Memorial Lecture, 2005

Michael Ignatieff
Professor of the Practice of Human Rights and Director of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

March 9, 2005
5:00 p.m.
Bennett Lecture Hall

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Law and Diversity Lecture

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Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt Lecture in Innovation Law and Policy

The Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt Lecture in Innovation Law and Policy was sponsored by the Centre for Innovation Law and Policy at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law.

  • 2004-2005: Jeffrey Rosen, professor of law, George Washington University, "The Naked Crowd: Balancing Privacy and Security through Law and Technology"
  • 2003-2004: Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Information and Privacy Commissioner/ Ontario, "National Security in a Post-9/11 World: The Rise of Surveillance, the Demise of Privacy"

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Critical Legal Theory Lecture

This lecture was established in 1996 to enhance the profile of critical normative perspectives in the law school’s curriculum at the faculty. The inaugural lecture was given by Professor Kimberle Crenshaw of Columbia University Law School, followed by Professor Neil Gotanda, Western State College. 

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50th Anniversary Lecture Series

In commemoration of the Faculty’s 50th Anniversary, a lecture series entitled “Taking Stock: Challenge and Change in the Legal Profession” was presented in 1999-2000, thanks to the generous financial support of John A. Tory and James M. Tory in honour of their father, J.S.D. Tory. Distinguished academics and practitioners lectured on various current issues regarding the legal profession, and included Robert Gordon (Yale), John Heinz (Northwestern), Carl Baar (Brock), Martin Teplitsky, Q.C., David Luban (Georgetown), Marc Galanter (Wisconsin), Robert Mnookin (Harvard), and Gillian Hadfield (Toronto). Each lecture was followed by comments from a panel of other eminent lawyers. 

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