Dr. Ann Cavoukian
Information and Privacy Commissioner/ Ontario

"National Security in a Post-9/11 World:
The Rise of Surveillance, the Demise of Privacy"

Monday, February 23, 2004


Recognized as a leading authority on privacy and data protection, Dr. Ann Cavoukian was appointed Information and Privacy Commissioner for the province of Ontario in 1997. As Commissioner, Ann oversees the operations of Ontario 's freedom of information and privacy laws, which apply to both provincial and municipal governments. She serves as an officer of the legislature, independent of the government of the day.

Ann joined the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner in 1987, during its startup phase, as its first Director of Compliance. She was appointed Assistant Commissioner in 1990. Prior to joining this office, Ann headed the Research Services Branch of the Ministry of the Attorney General, where she was responsible for conducting research on the administration of civil and criminal law. Ann received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Toronto , where she specialized in criminology and law, and lectured on psychology and the criminal justice system.