Instructor(s): Brian Radnoff

Note: All students are required to participate in a moot court competition during their second or third year of law school.  This is a non-competitive moot--all students who register will be accepted.

This requirement must be fulfilled while you are in residence at this Faculty. Any requests for accommodations must be made following the Faculty’s accommodation procedure.

Students may fulfill the moot requirement in a competitive moot, however, in order to do so, students must try out for a competitive moot in the fall. Students who are not selected for a competitive moot team must add the Upper Year Moot to their program.

All students at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law are required to participate in a moot court competition. Learning oral advocacy skills and the opportunity to write a factum are essential components of their legal education and are academic requirements at the Faculty of Law. Students compete for places in the competitive moots in September, and those who are placed on a competitive team are not required to register for the Upper Year Moot. Everyone else is required to complete the Upper Year Moot in either their second or third year.

The Upper Year Moot spans the fall and spring terms, with seminars offered starting in November and the oral argument scheduled in late January and early February. Upper Year Moot students work in teams of two, and each team can work with their opposing team in preparing their arguments. Students may sign up with a partner or have one assigned to them. Student teams will be randomly designated as appellants or respondents. Groups work with a Supervisor who is a professor or practicing litigator to develop a factum and oral argument responsive to the moot problem and then participate with their opponents in an oral hearing before a three-person panel, including their Supervisor and two other lawyers.  Because this course involves drafting, revising, and exchanging facta on a very tight schedule, student paper extensions may be abbreviated.  Students with paper extension accommodations from accessibility services should notify the associate dean office on the same date they indicate partner and topic preferences.


Note: The following deadline times and dates will be strictly enforced. All facta must be submitted electronically to the Records Office via

Deadline date to add/drop this moot: Friday, September 27, 2024 at 4:00 pm.

October 31, 2024: Students will be notified that the Moot package is available on Quercus; students to indicate partner and topic preferences, and also notify the organisers of any paper extension accommodations they receive, by e-mailing by November 8, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.  

November 12, 2024: (12:30- 2:00 p.m.) Introductory Seminar – attendance is mandatory. Location: J250

November 25, 2024: Moot problems assigned and posted on Quercus.

January 15, 2025: (12:30 - 2:00 p.m.) Written and Oral Advocacy Seminar - attendance is mandatory. Location: J250

January 17, 2025, 10:00 a.m.: Appellant’s Draft Factum due to Supervisors (see mooting materials for details)

January 22, 2025, 10:00 a.m.: Appellants’ Final Factum Due (see mooting materials for details)

January 24, 2025, 10:00 a.m.: Respondents’ Draft Factum Due to Supervisors (see mooting materials for details)

January 29, 2025, 10:00 a.m.: Respondents’ Final Factum Due (see mooting materials for details)

Monday to Thursday, February 3-13, 2025: (5:30-9:00 p.m.) Oral hearings will be scheduled between these dates (no hearings will be scheduled on Friday evenings). Students must ensure that they are available for their moot as assigned. Students requesting accommodation must contact the Assistant Dean, JD Program.

Note: Exchange Students going on a fall exchange must comply with all fall deadlines. Students are responsible for obtaining material (from their partner or from Quercus) presented during any session they miss. In no case will absence from a mandatory session be an excuse for missed deadlines, improper formatting, etc. Exchange students must regularly check their UTOR e-mail and the Quercus site for the Upper Year Moot.

1 ungraded credit for satisfactory completion of the oral and written components of the competition. The grading will take into account the oral and written components of the moot.
Academic year
2024 - 2025

At a Glance

Second Term



200 JD