• Students should be aware that term dates vary considerably at some host institutions. It is important to choose a school with term dates that are compatible with both your educational and career plans. It is the responsibility of the student to coordinate school dates with work responsibilities.
  • Students are also responsible for exact course requirements, visa requirements, and language requirements. 
  • All UofT Law Students must take the equivalent of 14 UofT law credits while away on exchange.
  • UofT Law students may go on exchange for one term only.
  • Transfer students are not eligible to go on exchange. 

Faculty of Law International Opportunities.  

Please note: this list is subject to change.
A final list of host schools and the number of U of T Law students each school accepts in a given year can be procured from the Student Programs Coordinator.  

InstitutionNumber of credits required at host university; available information regarding semester dates. Language(s) of Instruction

Note: Schools with first semesters ending in January will allow U of T students to sit their exams prior to their departure for the winter break. Therefore, schools with first semesters ending in January are options for students who plan to go on exchange in the first semester.

However, some schools have semester dates (including mandatory orientation sessions) that begin prior to September and may overlap with job recruitments that take place in the summer months, as well as summer employment positions. It is up to students to confirm their host school’s semester dates and ensure the beginning of classes do not overlap with other important dates. Class attendance while on exchange is mandatory and students who are found to be missing classes risk their exchange being cancelled. 

Australian National University

24 ANU units (= 4 courses at 6 units each)

Term dates run mid February to end of June, and end of July to end of November.

University of Adelaide15 Adelaide units (= 5 courses at 3 units each)

Term dates run early March to early July, and end of July to end of December.


University of Melbourne50 MEL credits (= 4 courses at 12.5 credits each)

Term dates run early March to end of June, and end of July to end of November.

University of New South Wales24 NSW credits (= 3 courses at 8 credits each)

Students take "Tailored Term 3," starting mid-August and finishing mid-December. 


University of Sydney24 SYD credits (= typically 4 courses at 6 credits each)

2020 dates: Mandatory Orientation July 27th, 2020 (estimated, subject to change.) 


Chinese University of Hong Kong

12 to 15 CUHK credits (= 4 or 5 courses at 3 credits each). Students taking courses within this range will be considered to have completed the equivalent of 14 U of T law credits.

Due to semester dates, second semester exchanges are not possible for graduating students.


University of Hong Kong

30 HKU credits (= 4 courses at 6 credits each)

Due to semester dates, second semester exchanges are not possible for graduating students.



Tsinghua University12 Tsinghua law course credits.


(LLM Program in Chinese Law courses) or Mandarin
University of Copenhagen 

30 ECT credits. 

Due to semester dates, second term exchanges are not possible. 

The Centre for Transnational Legal Studies

CTLS will be hosting U of T Law students during the 2022-23 academic year. 

14 CTLS credits = 14 U of T credits. 

Term dates run September - December.


University of Manchester60 Manchester credits (= 3 courses at 20 each)

Term dates run mid September to end of January and end of January to early June. Second semester exchanges not possible for graduating students. 

Université Jean Moulin (Lyon 3)24 to 30 ECTS per term of LLM-level courses at Lyon.

In addition, an intensive French language course will be required during the one week orientation program at the beginning of each semester.  Lyon will also make additional French language classes available to students during the semester, but will not make it a requirement.

Please note that Canadian students need a visa to study in France.  

Due to semester dates, second semester exchanges are not possible for graduating students. 


U of T Law students take the LLM program. The language of instruction for the LLM program is English. However, Lyon is a French speaking city and in order to accomplish everyday tasks (opening a bank account, getting a visa, signing a lease) students need to have intermediate to advanced level French. 

Central European University (CEU)1 CEU credit is worth 1.4 U of T Law credits. Students take 10 CEU credits over 2 modules in a term. This will be a mix of mostly 1 credit, with some 2 credit courses.

First term students must take: 4 to 5 CEU credits in Fall Module 2, and 5 to 6 CEU credits in Fall Module 3 for a total of 10 credits during their exchange.

Second term students must take: 4 to 5 CEU credits in Winter Module 4, and 5 to 6 CEU credits in Winter Module 5 for a total of 10 credits during their exchange.

In order for graduating students to attend CEU in the second semester, CEU must confirm they can meet U of T Law's grad deadline of May 15th, 2023. 
 Trinity College Dublin30 ECT credits (= 3, 10 credit courses).

Due to semester dates, second semester exchanges not possible for graduating students. 

Tel Aviv University 

Semester dates differ significantly from U of T Law. Some years, only Winter exchanges will be possible. 

Tel Aviv intensive courses are equivalent to 2 UofT credits. Students are required to take 7 intensive courses = 14 U of T credits

English  or Hebrew

Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

Between 10-16 credits. 

Semester dates differ significantly from U of T Law. Some years, only Winter exchanges will be possible. 

University of Amsterdam30 ECTS credits (= 4 to 6, 5 or 10 credit courses)

The University of Amsterdam recommends that students from Canadian universities take 5 ECTS courses in the first semester (both first and second part) as the exams for these courses are in October and December, and/ or take 10 ECTS courses that require a paper or take home exam; this way students can complete 30 ECTS and return in time for the second semester at UofT.

Courses must be selected to allow for early completion of exams in either term.

Due to semester dates, second semester exchanges are not possible for graduating students. 

English (LLM Programs) or Dutch
New Zealand  
University of AucklandUpper year/advanced or master level courses equal to 60 Auckland points.

Term dates generally run early March to early July, and late July to end November.

University of Otago4 courses at 15 points each = 60 Otago points.

Term dates generally run from early January to end of June, and early July to early November.

Due to semester dates, second term exchanges are not possible for graduating students. 

University of Oslo

Term dates generally run from mid August to mid December and early January to mid June.

Due to semester dates, second term exchanges are not possible for graduating students.

Students must take 30 ECT credits. 

English and Norwegian
University of Glasgow

Students must take 60 Scot credits. Students must take at least two, 3 or 4 level courses. The remainder of courses can be lower level courses. All 60 Scot credits must be made up from law courses. 

Term dates run mid September to end December, and mid January to end of May.

Due to semester dates, second term exchanges are not possible for graduating students.


National University of Singapore

17-19 NUS credits.

Possibility of accommodation for second semester exchanges. With permission from NUS, exams may be written early to allow graduating students to attend second semester. 

University of Geneva

30 ECTS Credits. 

Often students who go on exchange to Geneva will sit their exams in early January at U of T. 

Due to semester dates, second term exchanges are not possible for graduating students.

Lund University30 ECTS credits (= 2 courses of 15 ECTS credits each).

Due to semester dates, second term exchanges are not possible for graduating students.

English or Swedish

Faculty of Law International Opportunities.

Please note: this list is subject to change. A final list of host schools and the number of U of T Law students each school accepts in a given year can be procured from the Student Programs Coordinator in January 2022.