Aaniin! Boohzoo! Kwe! Hello!
The Indigenous Initiatives Office (IIO) is more than happy to remind students, staff, and faculty of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day on September 30. This day is to commemorate and raise awareness surrounding the residential schools that tragically impacted the First Nations community and culture. This date honours the survivors, the children, and the communities, to raise awareness surrounding the inter-generational trauma stemmed from residential schools. Below are the some of the events within University of Toronto and City of Toronto starting September 26 (remember to wear orange). Every Child Matters!
Events at the Faculty of Law
Day of Truth and Reconciliation, Orange Shirt Day & The Fall Feast – September 28, 12:30 -2 pm Hosted by ILSA & IIO
Events at the University of Toronto
Download the Orange Shirt Day Profile Icon and Virtual Zoom/Teams Backdrop
Every Child Matters Flag at Varsity Stadium – until September 30
Mohawk Residential School Virtual Tour – September 26, 12:30 pm
Faculty & Staff Indigenous Training: The Journey Towards Reconciliation (Part 2) – September 27, 10 am
Truth and Reconciliation, Orange Shirt Day & The Fall Feast – September 28, 12:30 - 2 pm (Hosted by ILSA & IIO at the Faculty of Law)
Pow-Wow Hip-Hop Fitness Event at the Goldring Fitness Studio – September 28, 4:30 pm
Scarborough Campus Screening of Rumble: The Indians who Rocked the World – September 29, 6pm
Orange Shirt Day with U of T Bookstore
University-wide event to recognize Orange Shirt Day/ National Day for Truth and Reconciliation at Hart House Great Hall – September 30, 9:30 am
Indigenous Community Gathering for Community Care at the Hart House Farm – Sign up October 3, 11 am
Oct 4, 1 pm: Staff & Faculty Land Acknowledgement Training
Arts & Science Virtual Tours of Residential School Sites – October - November
U of T Resources for Truth and Reconciliation Awareness
Mississauga Indigenous Centre Resources Page
University of Toronto Calls to Action (PDF)
U of T Indigenous Initiatives Report 2021 (PDF)
Events in Toronto
Free Educational Program for Children – September 26-30
Indigenous Legacy Gathering at Nathan Philips Square – September 29 & 30
Wisdom Weavers with Be’sha Blondin – September 30, 12 pm
Indigenous Perspective on the Popes Apology Panel Discussion – September 30, 1 pm
Commemorate Truth & Reconciliation Concert at Koerner Hall – September 30, 8 pm
Forever Fest for Legacy of Hope Foundation – September 30 - October 2
25th Annual Community Pow Wow at Dufferin Grove Park – October 1, 6 am
Wela’lin, Chi! Miigwech! Nia:wen! Kinanaskomitin! Thank you!
The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day, allows us to gain a broader understanding and awareness of the impact from the residential schools that took place in Canada. We encourage everyone to participate in the various events being held both in our community at the University of Toronto and within the community. No matter how you choose to participate in the events being held throughout this week, we at the IIO are pleased to direct you towards the excellent and educational resources, to encourage our community to uplift each other!