Yukiko, wearing a grey sweater, smiles in a photograph taken in the Jackman Law Building
SJD Candidate
Thesis title:
Office in Falconer Hall
84 Queen's Park
Toronto, M5S 2C5

I am a doctoral candidate in the Faculty of Law with a collaborative specialization in sexual diversity studies at the Mark S. Bonham Centre. I teach part of the Faculty's LLM seminar, and I am also a Course Instructor at the Women and Gender Studies Institute.

My research interests are in family law, poverty law and critical legal theories. My doctoral project is about the law and politics of relationship recognition in the context of Ontario's welfare state. I am interested in how law and social assistance constitute and reproduce the borders of 'the family', paying attention to how material conditions affect the choices people have about their family lives and how they do socially reproductive work for themselves and others.

Prior to commencing my doctoral studies, I worked in the non-profit sector and in publishing. 

LLM (Distinction), The University of Hong Kong
BA (Hons) in Law, University of Cambridge
Awards and Distinctions
Mary H. Beatty Fellowship (2024-2025)
Centre for Ethics Doctoral Fellowship (Returning) (2024-2025)
David Rayside Graduate Students Award (2024)
Centre for Ethics Doctoral Fellowship (2023-2024)
Mary H. Beatty Fellowship (2023-2024)
Graduate Fellowship in Women's Rights (2022-2025)
Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence (2015-2018)
Other information

Co-organizer, Feminist Legal Theory and the Family conference (May 2024 at the Institute for Feminist Legal Studies, Osgoode Hall Law School; May 2025 at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law)

Member, Organizing committee, Sex Salon speaker series, Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies (2023-2024)

Co-organizer, Toronto Law and Political Economy Reading Group (Spring 2023)

Organizer, SJD works-in-progress group (Fall 2022-Fall 2024)

Selected Publications

Yukiko Kobayashi Lui, “Anti-Carceral Feminism and the Exceptionalism of Intimate Partner Violence: A Comment on Ahluwalia v Ahluwalia”, (2024) 2:1 TMU Law Review 146.

Research Interests
Administrative Law
Comparative Law
Critical Legal Theory
Family Law
Feminist Analysis of Law
Labour Law
Political Philosophy and Theory
Sexuality and the Law
Committee Members
Linda White (Department of Political Science)