Rosalie Silberman Abella, is a judge on the Ontario Court of Appeal. After graduating from the University of Toronto Law School in 1970, she practised civil and criminal litigation until, at the age of 29, she was appointed to the Ontario Family Court in 1976, making her Canada's first Jewish woman judge. She was a member of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, and chaired both the Ontario Labour Relations Board and the Ontario Law Reform Commission. She was sole Commissioner on the 1984 federal Royal Commission on Equality in Employment, was the Boulton Visiting Professor at the McGill Law School for 4 years, moderated the 1988 English language Leaders' Debate, and co-chaired the 1992 Constitutional conferences, has written four books and over sixty articles and has her A.R.C.T. in piano. She has 18 honourary degrees, was the first woman to receive the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.

Payam Akhavan, LL.B. (Osgoode Hall) 1989, LL.M. (Harvard) 1990, S.J.D. (Harvard) 2001, is Senior Associate at the International Dispute Settlement practice of Debevoise & Plimpton in New York, and member of the New York bar. His practice focuses on disputes involving sovereigns and international organizations before international courts and arbitral tribunals. He was previously Legal Advisor to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia at the Hague - the first person to hold that post - and Special Advisor to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the Historical Clarification Commission for Guatemala, the UN Transitional Authority in East Timor, the Khmer Rouge Tribunal Task Force of the Royal Government of Cambodia, and the Fujimori Investigative Commission of the Peruvian Congress. He also served as UN human rights officer in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia during the Yugoslav war and was appointed to missions of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) by the European Community Presidency. He has published and lectured extensively on international criminal law and human rights, and served as Senior Visiting Lecturer and Research Fellow at Leiden University Faculty of Law in the Netherlands, at Yale Law School in the United States, and as Research Fellow at the Danish Center for Human Rights in Copenhagen and the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights in Oslo.

S. James Anaya is the Samuel M. Fegtly Professor of Law at the University of Arizona, where he teaches and conducts research in the areas of international law and organizations, constitutional law, and issues concerning indigenous peoples. He received his B.A. from the University of New Mexico (1980) and his J.D. from Harvard (1983). Among his numerous publications is his book, Indigenous Peoples in International Law (Oxford University Press, 1996). Professor Anaya was on the law faculty at the University of Iowa from 1988 to 1999, and he has been a visiting professor at Harvard Law School, the University of Toronto, and the University of Tulsa. Prior to becoming a full time law professor, he practiced law in Albuquerque, New Mexico, representing Native American peoples and other minority groups in regard to land, voting rights, and civil rights issues. In 1988, Barrister magazine, a national publication of the American Bar Association, recognized him as "one of 20 young lawyers who make a difference." Professor Anaya has lectured in many countries in all continents of the globe. He has been a consultant for numerous organizations and government agencies in several countries on matters of human rights and indigenous peoples, and he has represented indigenous groups from many parts of North and Central America before courts and international organizations. He serves as special counsel to the Indian Law Resource Center, a U.S.-based nongovernmental organization with consultative status at the United Nations, and in that capacity he successfully litigated the landmark indigenous land rights case of Awas Tingni v. Nicaragua before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

Chaloka Beyani joined the Department as a Lecturer in Law in 1996. Teaching Responsibilities: International Protection of Human Rights; International Rights of Women; International Criminal Law; Public International Law; and Criminal Law. Chaloka Beyani studied law at the University of Zambia (LL.B. 1982, and LL.M. 1984) and at Oxford (D.Phil. 1992). Dr. Beyani is a senior lecturer in International Law and Human Rights. Formerly a Research Fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford, with Lectureships in Law at Exeter and St.Catherines Colleges, Oxford; and Crown Prince of Jordan Fellow, Queen Elizabeth House, Refugee Studies Programme, Oxford. Previously Lecturer in Law (1984-1988), and Teaching Assistant in Law, the University of Zambia (1982 to 1984). His research interests are in the field of international law and human rights, the movement of persons and populations, territorial disputes, and constitutional reform. His major publications include Human Rights Standards and the Movement of People within Sates (OUP, 2000), "State Responsibility for the Forced Displacement of Populations", International Journal of Refugee Law (1995), "Towards Effective Protection of Women's Rights under the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights" in Cook (ed.), Human Rights of Women (1994) and (with Professor Leonard Leigh), Blackstone's Guide to the Immigration and Asylum Act 1996 (Blackstone, 1996). He has received research grants from the Association of Commonwealth Universities (Academic Fellowship) 1988-1991, the Ford Foundation (1991-1992), the Nuffield Foundation (1990 and 1992), and the Shaler Adams Foundation 1995. He has acted as advisor and consultant to the Human Rights Centre of the United Nations (on the Legality of Forcible Population Transfers), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (on International Protection of Refugees, Burden Sharing and Capacity Building ), the World Health Organization (on restrictions on the movement of persons suffering from HIV and AIDS) and the Organization of African Unity (early warning in the Conflict Prevention and Resolution Mechanism), and the United Nations Population Fund (Reproductive health in the context of human rights in Zambia). He was a member of the Constitutional Review Task Force of the Republic of Zambia 1992. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for the Protection of Human Rights (INTERIGHTS) in London, and the Southern African Book Trust. He is a former member of the Council of Trustees of the Oxford based charity Oxfam as well as the Catholic Institute of International Relations Educational Committee based in London. He is a co-general editor of Forced Migration Series (Bingham Books) and a member of the Editorial Board of the series on Refugees and Human Rights (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).

Leora Bilsky, L.L.B (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) 1991, L.L.M (Yale, 1993), J.S.D (Yale, 1995), is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University. She has been a Fellow at the Van Leer research institute, Jerusalem, and a Fellow at the program Ethics and the Professions at Harvard University. Also serves as a member of the legislative committee on the implementation of the treaty on the rights of children and is a member of the board of directors of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. Published articles in the area of law and the Holocaust, political trials, feminist legal theory, children's rights. In her work on political trials she has examined the history of Israeli law, the legacy of the Holocaust and the work of Hannah Arendt. In addition, she has also published several articles on violence against women; was the editor of a special issue of Theoretical Inquiries in Law on the subject "Judging and Judgment in the Shadow of the Holocaust" (2000); and the editor of a special issue of Plilim on "Law and Violence" (2002). She is currently finishing a book tentatively entitled Transformative Trials: The Struggle over Israel's Collective Identity, to be published shortly by the Michigan University Press.

A. Alan Borovoy has been general counsel of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association for more than 34 years. From 1959 until 1968, he was the director of the anti-racist Labour Committee for Human Rights. In these positions, he has organized delegations to government, testified before various parliamentary committees, set up test cases, instructed counsel, initiated rallies, and participated in media interviews. His articles have appeared in newspapers across the country and he is the author of three books, the first of which, When Freedoms Collide, was nominated for a Governor Generals award. He has taught courses in the faculties of law at Dalhousie and Windsor Universities, the faculty of social work at the University of Toronto, and the political science department of York University.

Dan L. Burk, B.S. (Brigham Young) 1985, M.S. (Northwestern) 1987, J.D. (cum laude) (Arizona State) 1990, J.S.M. (Stanford) 1994, holds the Oppenheimer, Wolf and Donnelly Professorship in Law at the University of Minnesota, where teaches courses in Patent Law, Copyright, and Biotechnology Law. An internationally prominent authority on issues related to high technology, he is the author of numerous papers on the legal and societal impact of new technologies, including articles on scientific misconduct, on the regulation of biotechnology, and on the intellectual property implications of global computer networks. Prior to his arrival at the University of Minnesota, Professor Burk taught at Seton Hall University in New Jersey. From 1991 to 1993 he was a Teaching Fellow at Stanford Law School. He has also taught as a visitor at George Mason University, at Cardozo Law School, the Ohio State University Programme at Oxford, and the Program for Management in the Network Economy at the Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Piacenza, Italy.

Enrico Colombatto is Professor of Economics, and Chair of the Department of Economics and Public Finance at the University of Turin, Italy. He also directs ICER, one of the most prestigious European research institutes. He holds degrees from the University of Turin (Laurea in Economia e Commercio) and the London School of Economics (M.Sc. Econ., Ph.D. Econ.). Professor Colombatto was an Olin Fellow at Cornell University in 1994, from 1996-1999 and 2002. Professor Colombatto is in great demand as a visiting lecturer/scholar, and in the past several years has visited the Université of Aix-Marseille III, University of Arizona, the Sorbonne, Warsaw Private University, Podgorica University (Republic of Montenegro), Université de Reims and the University of California at Davis. Professor Colombatto has served as consultant to various governments including the Financial and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress of the Peoples' Republic of China, the Government of the Republic of Montenegro, the Federal Ministry for Finance for the Government of Austria and the Libyan Government. He has written extensively in the areas of development and transition, the European Union, international trade, and competition.

Thomas J. Courchene, BA (Saskatchewan) 1969, Ph.D. (Princeton) 1967, is the Jarislowsky-Deutsch Professor of Economic and Financial Policy at Queen's School of Policy Studies and is Senior Scholar at the IRPP (Montreal). Courchene has written widely in Canadian economic policy, Canadian federalism, social policy, international integration and common currencies and regional/urban evolution. He is an Officer in the Order of Canada, is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, holds Honorary Degrees from UWO and Saskatchewan. His two most recent books are From Heartland to North American Region State: The Social, Fiscal and Federal Evolution of Ontario and A State of Minds: Toward a Human Capital Future for Canadians.

Robert Daines, BA/BS (University Hons) (Brigham Young University) 1989, JD (Yale), is a Professor of Law at New York University School of Law. Following graduation from law school, he clerked for the Honorable Ralph K. Winter (United States Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit) and worked as an investment banker for Goldman, Sachs, where he worked in leveraged finance (junk bonds and acquisition finance). At NYU, Mr. Daines teaches Corporations and the Law and Economics of Corporate Governance. His current research focuses on how (and whether) legal rules affect firm value, on mergers and acquisitions and on the governance of IPO firms. He has also visited at Columbia and Yale Law School.

Arye Edrei, LL.B., (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) 1982, LL.M., (Hebrew University) 1986 (magna cum laude), PhD (Hebrew University) 1993, is a Senior Lecturer (with tenure) at the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law. He also teaches at the Law school and at the department of Jewish philosophy at Hebrew University, has been a Harry Starr Fellow at the Center for Jewish Studies at Harvard University (1995-1997) and a Golda Meir Fellow at Hebrew University (1992-1993). He teaches primarily on Jewish law and the legal profession. His main fields of interest and writing are the legal philosophy of the Talmud and the developments of the Jewish Law at the Zionist era.

Janet Halley, BA (Princeton) 1974, PhD (English; UCLA) 1980, JD (Yale) 1988, is a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. She is admitted to practice in Massachusetts and New York, and has taught English Literature at Hamilton College and Law at Stanford Law School. Her interests include sex, sexuality, gender and the family, in domestic and international law; law and humanities approaches; and the place of critical practice in legal decisions. Her most recent books are Don't: A Reader's Guide to Military Anti-Gay Policy (Duke 1999) and, with political theorist Wendy Brown, Left Legalism/Left Critique (Duke 2002); another book, Sexuality Harassment, is forthcoming.

Dean Lueck, BA (Magna cum laude) (Gonzaga University) 1980, PhD (University of Washington) 1987 is Professor of Economics at Montana State University and Visiting Professor of Law at the University of Virginia (2002-2003). He has conducted extensive research in law and economics and contract economics with emphasis on applications in agriculture, the environment, and natural resources, and has published articles in the American Economic Review, the Journal of Law and Economics, the Journal of Legal Studies, the RAND Journal of Economics, and many other journals and books. In 1994-1995 he was a John M. Olin Faculty Fellow in Law and Economics at Yale Law School. He has also been a visiting scholar at Cornell University and Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. His current projects include a book manuscript, The Nature of the Farm: Contracts, Risk, and Organization in Agriculture (MIT Press, forthcoming), conservation easements, endangered species regulations, wildlife management, and women's rights.

Francis Maupain, Advanced diploma in European legal Studies, College of Europe, Bruges (1964) LL.M (Harvard Law School (1967) MPA(JFK School of Government, Harvard 968) PhD, Paris Sorbonne (1976). Joined the ILO as a Member of the Director-General's Office in 1969; subsequently transferred to the Office of the Legal adviser of the ILO and appointed as ILO Legal Counsel in 1987. Published various articles on international administrative law, international labour law; the social dimension of the globalization of the economy. Since 1999, Special adviser to the Director-General of the ILO. Invited to teach at the Hague Academy of International Law in 1999 on "l'OIT, la justice sociale et la mondialisation."

Cecilia Medina Quiroga, LLB (Hons) (Santiago) 1958, PhD (Utrecht) 1988, is co-Director of the Human Rights Centre at the University of Chile. She received her title as lawyer in Chile, and after some years of private practice, started to teach at the Law Faculty. She specialises in international human rights law, and particularly in the inter-American system for the promotion and protection of human rights. She has taught in several universities in Europe and Latin America and was appointed for the Robert F. Kennedy Chair at Harvard Law School for the 1997 fall semester. She has written extensively on the inter-American system and on women's human rights. She is a former Chair of the UN Human Rights Committee and still a member thereof.

Peter S. Menell, S.B (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); M.A., Ph.D (economics) (Stanford), J.D (Harvard) is Professor of Law at the University of California at Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall) and co-founder and Executive Director of the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology. After graduating from law school, he clerked for Judge Jon O. Newman of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. In addition to teaching at Boalt, Professor Menell teaches an annual intensive course on U.S. patent law at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, has organized more than a dozen intellectual property education programs for the federal judiciary, and has visited at Harvard and Stanford law schools. Professor Menell has published Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age (with Robert Merges and Mark Lemley, 1997; 2nd ed. 2000), Software and Internet Law (with Mark Lemley, Robert Merges, and Pamela Samuelson, 2000), Property Law & Policy: A Comparative Institutional Perspective (with John Dwyer, 1998), and Environmental Law and Policy (with Richard Stewart, 1994). He founded and supervises the Annual Review of Law & Technology, a special issue of the Berkeley Technology Law Journal. His recent publications in the intellectual property law field include "Sound Recordings, Works for Hire, and the Termination-of-Transfers Time Bomb," J. Copyright Society (with D. Nimmer) (forthcoming 2002); "Intellectual Property," International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (2001); "Foreword," Annual Review of Law & Technology, 16 Berkeley Technology Law Journal 1 (2001) (with C. Cretsinger); Economic Implications of State Sovereign Immunity from Infringement of Federal Intellectual Property Rights, 33 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 1399 (2000); and "An Epitaph for Traditional Copyright Protection of Network Features of Computer Software," 43 Antitrust Bulletin 651 (Fall-Winter 1998).

Randall Morck is the Stephen A. Jarislowsky Distinguished Professor of Finance at the University of Alberta Business School in Edmonton, and a Research Associate with the National Bureau of economic Research in Cambridge, Mass. He graduated from Yale University in 1979 with a summa cum laude B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics and Economics and with an MA in Economics. In 1986, he graduated from Harvard University with a PhD in Economics, specializing in Finance. He has written numerous papers on corporate governance, financial markets, and comparative financial institutions in journals such as the American Economic Review, the Journal of Finance, and the Journal of Financial Economics. In 1999/2000 he taught corporate finance at Harvard, where he served as a Visiting Professor of Economics. Prof. Morck is the most highly cited finance professor in Canada, and is a frequent guest speaker at leading research universities, including Harvard, MIT, Yale, New York University, UCLA, the University of Toronto, and the University of Michigan.

Neil Weinstock Netanel, BA (Yale), JD (UC Berkeley), JSD (Stanford), is the Arnold, White & Durkee Centennial Professor at the University of Texas School of Law. Professor Netanel is an internationally prominent scholar in the fields of copyright, international intellectual property, and Internet governance. His scholarship has focused on copyright's historical and theoretical foundations, from both a domestic and comparative law perspective. His most recent work examines the tension between copyright and free speech and critiques the notion of cyberspace self-governance. Professor Netanel has published in the Yale Law Journal, Stanford Law Review, California Law Review, Texas Law Review, and other leading law journals. He is a co-editor of "The Commodification of Information" (forthcoming, Kluwer Law International) and is currently completing a book entitled, "Copyright's Paradox: Property in Expression/Freedom of Expression," to be published by Oxford University Press. Professor Netanel has also taught at the law schools of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Haifa University, Tel-Aviv University, and New York University.

Maria Beatriz Nofal received her Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in 1983 with specialization in development economics and planning. She received postgraduate diplomas in development planning from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, University of Paris, France (1977) and the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands (1976). While in the United States, she was an assistant professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) and at Johns Hopkins University, as well as a consultant for the World Bank. Since 1991, Dr. Nofal has been an external consultant to the Inter-American Development Bank. Dr. Nofal, was Undersecretary of Industry and Trade in the Ministry of Economy of Argentina during 1986-1988. She had a main role in the creation and negotiation of the Economic Integration Program between Brazil and Argentina that constituted the founding pillar of MERCOSUR. Dr Nofal was, since December 1999 until February 2002, Member of the House of Representatives in Argentina. She is the founding partner of Eco-Axis S.A., an economic consulting firm specialized in MERCOSUR and international trade. She has been their President of the co. during 1991- 1999 and she has been appointed again in the same position since March 2002. Dr. Nofal also became the editor of a quarterly publication called "MERCOSUR JOURNAL"; published since 1995. From May 1999 up to December 2000, she was Managing Director of Arthur D. Little in Argentina. Dr. Nofal has authored several publications (including books) in Argentina, Brazil, and the United States. Among the international honors awarded, Dr. Nofal received in 1989, from the Republic of Brazil a Decoration of the Order of Rio Branco with the rank of "Knight Commander" (Presidential Decree, April 14/89). These honors were granted by Brazil "in recognition of her excellent performance in the Argentine-Brazilian Integration Program". In 1999 she was also granted the Annual Award of Brazil´s Investors Group for her academic and institutional contribution to the consolidation of MERCOSUR. Dr. Nofal is also a member of the Inter-American Dialogue and a counselor of the Centro Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI).

Bertrand Ramcharan, Barrister-at Law (Lincoln's Inn), 1969, (LL.B.)(Hons.) (London); LL.M. (London); Ph.D. (London) 1973; Diploma in International Law of the Hague Academy of International Law, 1973, is United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights. He was International Law Scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in 1972 and is presently a Fellow of the LSE. He has taught at the Geneva Graduate Institute of International Studies and at Columbia University. He has written or edited nearly twenty books on topics of international law generally and on international human rights law in particular. His latest books are on "Human Rights and Human Security" and the "Security Council and the Protection of Human Rights" (Kluwer Law International, 2002). Among his recent assignments, he has served as a member of the Secretary-General's Policy Group on Terrorism and chaired a Sub-Group on Terrorism and Human Rights.

Martin Scheinin, LL.M. (Turku, Finland) 1982, Dr. Juris (Helsinki 1991, Finland), is since 1998 Professor of Constitutional and International Law at Abo Akademi University in Turku, Finland. He is also Director of the Institute for Human Rights and leader of a Graduate School in Human Rights Research at the same university. He is, since 1997, a member of the Human Rights Committee, the United Nations treaty body established under the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. His specific fields of research interest include comparative work on the domestic implementation of international human rights treaties, functioning of international human rights mechanisms, indigenous and minority rights, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, protection of human rights in times of crisis, and the legal nature of economic and social rights. He has taught human rights courses at several universities, including St. Thomas University (Miami) and Cardozo Law School (New York).

Horacio Spector, Lawyer (University of Buenos Aires); Doctor of Law (University of Buenos Aires); Magister of Philosophy (Argentine Society of Philosophical Analysis). He is the founding Dean of the School of Law of Torcuato Di Tella University (Buenos Aires, Argentina). He was researcher and Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence at the University of Buenos Aires between 1984 and 1995. In 1996 he became Professor of Law at the Torcuato Di Tella University, where he regularly teaches Jurisprudence, Moral and Political Philosophy, and Law and Economics. In the same year he was awarded the Konex Prize in Legal Theory. In 1999 he created the first master's degree program in Law and Economics in Latin America. He was Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the University of Mannheim, Department of Social Theory (1986-1987) and the University of Heidelberg, Department of Philosophy (1990). In 1987 he was visiting scholar at the Balliol College (Oxford University). During 1993 he held a research fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. His publications include Autonomy and Rights. The Moral Foundations of Liberalism (Oxford University Press, 1992) and Analytische und Postanalytische Ethik. Untersuchungen zur Theorie moralischer Urteile (Alber Verlag, Freiburg-München, 1993). He also published many articles in Spanish and English in academic journals, such as Mind, Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, and Rechtstheorie. He co-edited Rights, Liberty, and Equality (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000).

David Sugarman, LL.B. (Hons) (Hull), LL.M. Diploma in Comparative Legal Studies (Cambridge), LL.M. S.J.D. (Harvard), is Professor of Law and Director of the European Legal Studies and Law in History Programmes in the Law School of Lancaster University, England. He is also a Visiting Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London University and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He is the author, editor or co-editor of 11 books; and the author or co-author of over 60 articles, essays and review essays and over 20 case notes. He is a member of the editorial boards of: Law and Society Review; Law and Social Inquiry (the Journal of the American Bar Foundation); The Journal of Legal History; The Canadian Journal of Law and Society; Studies in Law, Politics and Society; Legal Ethics; and The Company Lawyer. He has been a Visiting Professor at law schools in Canada, Germany, Japan, Spain and the United States; and a Visiting Fellow at the Davis Centre for Historical Studies, Princeton University, the Center for Legal Studies, Wisconsin University (Madison) and the Department of Law & Political Science, Amherst College. He has delivered over 200 conference and seminar papers in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. His forthcoming book - Pursuing Pinochet - will describe and analyse the effort to bring Pinochet to justice in Chile, Argentina, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, England and the USA, and its implications.

Sanjivi Sundar M.A. (Madras) 1959, B.L. (Madras) 1961, is currently a Distinguished Fellow at the Tata Energy Research Institute and is also the Chairperson of its Advisory Board on Regulatory Studies and Governance. He was in the Indian Administrative Service and held several senior positions in the State of Gujarat and in the Government of India. He was Joint Secretary in the Department of Economic Affairs of the Government of India, Finance Secretary to the Government of Gujarat, and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Surface Transport, Government of India. He spent eight years with the Commonwealth Secretariat in London, first as Special Advisor, International Finance and then as Director of the Economic and Legal Advisory Services Division which assists and advises developing Commonwealth governments in macro-economic and financial management, and international contractual arrangements. In that capacity, he has been responsible for advising several Commonwealth governments on debt restructuring, privatisation and development of capital markets. He has written extensively on regulatory issues for newspapers and refereed journals. He is on the Faculty of the South Asian Forum for Infrastructure Regulation (SAFIR), and is an Advisor on infrastructure law to JSA, a leading law firm in India.

George Triantis is the Perre Bowen Professor of Law and the Horace W. Goldsmith Research Professor at the University of Virginia School of Law. He rejoined the Virginia faculty in 2001 after two years at the University of Chicago School of Law, where he was the Seymour Logan Professor of Law. Previously, at the University of Virginia, he served as the Director of the John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics and received the Traynor Award for Excellence in Legal Scholarship. From 1989-93, he was assistant professor of law and of management at the University of Toronto. He is currently an editor of the Journal of Law and Economics and has been a visiting professor at the law schools at Columbia, Harvard, New York University, and the University of Toronto. Professor Triantis' scholarly and teaching interests fall in the areas of contracts, commercial law, debtor-creditor law, and corporate and securities law. He is the author of The Law and Finance of Secured Credit (2002) and Foundations of Commercial Law (forthcoming 2003).