Saturday, November 12, 2011

Congratulations to JD student Kai Sheffield, who has won the 2011 Canadian Bar Association (CBA) National Environmental, Energy and Resources Law Section (NEERLS) Law School Essay Contest David Estrin Prize.

His essay, “Of Pulp Mills and Oil Spills: Strict state liability under customary international law when energy and resource projects cause trans-boundary environmental harm,” considers whether state practice supports strict state liability in relation to trans-boundary environmental concerns.

The award prize consists of $500 plus registration, airfare, meals, and accommodation at the CBA 2011 NEERLS Law Summit, taking place April 7-9, 2011 in Banff, Alberta, where the prize will be presented. Sheffield’s essay will be published in the NEERLS newsletter, the EcoBulletin.

Read more on the CBA website.