Friday, April 8, 2011

The Faculty offered a glimpse into law school life, including its academic and co-curricular offerings, student services, faculty and staff, to more than 100 newly admitted applicants for this September’s J.D. class at its annual Welcome Day Feb. 18, 2011.

Dean Mayo Moran started off the afternoon with a formal welcome, describing the Faculty as an intellectually lively place, and calling prospective students the “Faculty’s future.”

Assistant Dean Sara Faherty gave this advice: “When you are considering your law school offers, look at the entire experience that a law school can provide – both inside the classroom and outside--via extracurricular activities.”

The prospective students learned more about several different co-curricular programs offered at the law school, with presentations from the Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights, Downtown Legal Services, International Human Rights Program, Law in Action Within Schools (LAWS) and Pro Bono Students Canada.  

Drawing on two class action lawsuits, one in Canada and another in the US, Professor Simon Stern gave a sample of a lecture that would occur in a first-year Legal Procedure, Professionalism & Ethics class.

In breakout sessions, current students also gave their “inside scoop” of law school life, providing candid and honest answers to questions from the prospective students. As in previous Welcome Days, these breakout sessions had the highest impact among the prospective students.

Sessions from the Financial Aid Office and the Career Development Office also helped to demystify the financial aid process while in law school, and the employment options available to Faculty of Law graduates.

Welcome Day was capped off by a reception where the prospective students continued the conversations they started with their future classmates and future professors.

“Welcome Day painted a clearer picture of what was previously completely unknown,” wrote one prospective student. “I really appreciated the opportunity to speak with current students and meet my future classmates.”

The J.D. admissions process continues throughout the rest of winter term and into summer.