Eating for Success

You make high demands of your brain in the study of law. Providing it with the proper fuel will ensure it will function at its optimal capacity, positively impacting memory, the ability to focus, executive thought processes, and emotional regulation. Research indicates there is a likely a positive link between eating whole foods and decreased risk of experiencing mood related disorders.  See the following links for a more information and resources.

Physical & Mental Fitness

Typically, we associate regular physical activity with improved physical health. Increasingly, however, research indicates that there are profoundly positive impacts on our mood and cognitive functioning from engaging in regular physical exercise. See below for some more information on this research and some resources that you might find helpful.

Performing Mindfully

As a topic of research and popular conversation, the positive impacts of mindfulness training are being discussed more and more. Explore some of the benefits through the links below for ways in which you can reduce stress and anxiety, while increasing memory capacity and concentration.
