Prof. Audrey Macklin - "Dealing with dual citizenship"

Friday, October 20, 2006

Prof. Audrey Macklin has published a commentary in the Toronto Star addressing the issue of the rights of dual citizens in light of the evacuation of Canadians from Lebanon ("Dealing with dual citizenship," July 28, 2006).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Jacob Ziegel - "The judge is correct on Caledonia"

Friday, October 20, 2006

Prof. Emeritus Jacob Ziegel has commented in the Globe and Mail on the recent ruling by a local judge in the case of the occupation of land in Caledonia by protestors from the Six Nations reserve ("The judge is correct on Caledonia," August 11, 2006).

Read the full commentary.

New CIHR Scientific Director Seeks to Improve Health Care Services

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Today, Dr. Colleen M. Flood, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, assumes the role of Scientific Director of the Canadian Institute of Health Research's Institute of Health Services and Policy Research.

Read the full Press Release.

CILP Executive Director Richard Owens to return to private practice

Thursday, September 21, 2006

After more than five years of inspired leadership to the Faculty's Centre for Innovation Law and Policy, Executive Director, Richard Owens, is returning to legal practice to join Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP.  Richard will be a Partner in Blakes' Information Technology Group.  "The Centre has been very fortunate to have had Richard Owens as its Executive Director since February, 2001," said Dean Mayo Moran. "His departure marks a significant loss for the Faculty.

Profs. BrunnÈe and Fadel featured in Edge magazine

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Professors Jutta Brunnée and Mohammad Fadel are featured in the Spring 2006 issue of Edge magazine (Research and Innovation at the University of Toronto). Prof. Brunnée is featured in the "Leaders" section, including a video discussion of the Kyoto Protocol as one example of the challenges of international environmental law. Prof. Fadel is featured in the "Critically Acclaimed" section.

Read the feature on Prof. Brunnée.

    Prof. Lorraine Weinrib on religious symbols and public education

    Thursday, August 31, 2006

    In her monthly Law Times column, Prof. Lorraine Weinrib discusses the Supreme Court of Canada's recent ruling in Multani v. Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys on a Sikh student's right to wear the kirpan, a ceremonial dagger, in his public school ("Religious symbols, multiculturalism, and public education," June 12, 2006).

    Read the full article in the Law Times.

    Prof. Lorne Sossin prepares report on Alberta Labour Relations Board

    Thursday, August 31, 2006

    Prof. Lorne Sossin has prepared a report on the role of the Alberta Labour Relations Board in assisting the Alberta government in the preparation of a piece of labour legislation that the Board would subsequently have a role in adjudicating ("The Independe Board and the Legislative Process," June 2006). The study was commissioned by the Alberta Federation of Labour.

    Read the press release about the report.

    LLM student Sara Mainville writes on aboriginal experience of "frontier towns"

    Wednesday, August 2, 2006

    LLM student Sara Mainville has written a commentary for the Toronto Star on the aboriginal experience of "frontier towns" where a native reserve is located next to a non-native community ("Reconciling 'Us' and 'Them'," April 26, 2006).

    Read the full commentary.

    Prof. Audrey Macklin discusses Canada sending people to likely torture

    Wednesday, August 2, 2006

    In a commentary in The Lawyers Weekly, Prof. Audrey Macklin analyzes the rationales used to justify Canada handing people over to likely torture in their country of origin ("On rationalizing handing a human being over to likely torture," June 2, 2006).

    Read the full commentary.

    Prof. Lorraine Weinrib discusses security certificates

    Wednesday, August 2, 2006

    In her May 2006 Law Times column, Prof. Lorraine Weinrib discusses the use of security certificates to detain non-citizens suspected of posing a threat to Canadian security ("Security certificates as an anti-terrorism weapon," May 29, 2006).

    Read the full commentary (PDF file).