Prof. Mohammad Fadel on risky trusts and diversified portfolios

Friday, January 5, 2007

Prof. Mohammad Fadel has written a commentary in the Financial Post about the risks of income trusts and what they reveal about the need for diversified portfolios ("Risky trusts: Properly diversified investors would have been protected," November 9, 2006).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Jacob Ziegel analyzes federal changes to interest rate legislation

Friday, January 5, 2007

In a commentary in the Financial Post, Prof. Emeritus Jacob Ziegel analyzes proposed changes by the federal government that would give the provinces power to regulate interest rates on small short-term "payday" loans ("Pass the buck: Ottawa has paramount jurisdiction over interest rate regulation," November 10, 2006).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Brenda Cossman - "Has adultery come back to family law?"

Friday, January 5, 2007

Prof. Brenda Cossman has written a commentary in The Lawyers Weekly about the resurgence of the issue of adultery in family law ("Has adultery come back to family law?," November 10, 2006).

Read the full commentary (PDF).

Former Dean Ronald St. John Macdonald passes away

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

On September 7th, former law dean, Professor Ronald St. John Macdonald, passed away in Halifax. Professor Macdonald was dean of the U of T Faculty of Law from 1965 - 1972, and during that time helped to build the flourishing law program started by former dean Cecil Wright (1949 - 1965). Professor Macdonald went on to become dean of Dalhousie Law School  (1972-1979) and Professor of International Law (1979-1990). He became an officer of the Order of Canada in 1984 and a Companion of the Order of Canada in 2000.

Prof. Denise RÈaume - "Rendered invisible by politicians"

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Prof. Denise Réaume has written a commentary in the Toronto Star analyzing judicial attitudes towards poverty ("Rendered invisible by politicians," October 5, 2006).

Read the full commentary.

Darryl Robinson comments on standoff in Darfur

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Adjunct Professor Darryl Robinson, Acting Director of the International Human Rights Clinic, appeared on on CBC Newsworld on October 9, 2006 to provide a commentary on the Darfur crisis and the standoff between Sudan and the Security Council.

Here is a summary of what he said:

"Sudan is a member of the United Nations and like all members, it has accepted a commitment to cooperate with the Security Council - including in enforcement actions.

Prof. Bernard Dickens speaks about legal competency on CBC Radio (webcast)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Prof. Emeritus Bernard Dickens spoke about the concept of legal competency on CBC Radio, Windsor, on October 6, 2006.

Listen to the broadcast (mp3).

Prof. Ed Morgan writes about city powers and policies

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Prof. Ed Morgan has published a commentary in the Toronto Star discussing city zoning policies that segregate different kinds of residents and uses ("Don't give more power to cities," October 26, 2006).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Brenda Cossman analyzes the "opt-out revolution"

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

In a commentary in Lawyers Weekly, Prof. Brenda Cossman analyzes the idea of an "opt-out revolution," the theory that highly educated women are leaving the work force to care for their children ("The opt-out revolution and the choices of motherhood," October 6, 2006).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Jacob Ziegel - "Judicial appointments are a matter of public trust"

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

In the wake of controversial appointments to the bench by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Prof. emeritus Jacob Ziegel argues for reform of the judicial appointments process in a commentary in the Globe and Mail ("Judicial appointments are a matter of public trust," October 16, 2006).

Read the full commentary.