Prof. Ed Morgan - "Undermining Israel"

Friday, January 26, 2007

Prof. Ed Morgan has written a commentary in the Montreal Gazette about the recent conference in Iran that brought together Holocaust-deniers ("Undermining Israel," December 14, 2006).

Read the full commentary.

Prof Brenda Cossman - "If you're going to deliver ..."

Friday, January 26, 2007

In a commentary in Xtra! magazine, Prof. Brenda Cossman takes Canada Post to task for their decision to deliver some kinds of paid advertising leaflets but not others ("If you're going to deliver hate, deliver sex, too," November 9, 2006).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Jacob Ziegel - "Delays on insolvency must end"

Friday, January 26, 2007

Prof. Jacob Ziegel calls on the government to improve its consultation process and complete the much-delayed reform of Canada's insolvency regime, in a commentary in the Financial Post ("Delays on insolvency must end," December 6, 2006).

Read the full commentary.

Profs. Shachar and Hirschl awarded Canada Research Chairs

Friday, January 26, 2007

Profs. Ayelet Shachar and Ran Hirschl (who is cross-appointed from Political Science), who happen to be married to each other, have both been individually awarded prestigious Canada Research Chairs in the latest selection round, announced on December 7, 2006.

Find out more at News at UofT and the Canada Research Chairs website.

"Should we try Kiwi model on no-fault medical error?" - Flood and Hardcastle

Friday, January 26, 2007

In a commentary in the Toronto Star, Prof. Colleen Flood and SJD student Lorian Hardcastle investigate New Zealand's model of no-faul medical error compensation and analyze whether it would be suitable for Canada ("Should we try Kiwi model on no-fault medical error?", October 16, 2006).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Nehal Bhuta speaks on CBC radio about Saddam's trial (audio webcast)

Friday, January 26, 2007

Prof. Nehal Bhuta, who will begin teaching at the Faculty of Law in January, was interviewed on CBC Radio One's program "Dispatches" on November 16, 2006 about the question of whether Saddam Hussein received a fair trial. Prof. Bhuta has been observing the trial on behalf of the group Human Rights Watch, and has authored a report on the trial that will be released on Monday November 20, 2006.

Listen to the interview with Prof. Bhuta (RealMedia file from the CBC website)

Prof. Lorraine Weinrib: "Defining terrorism: is motive a valid concern?"

Friday, January 26, 2007

In her monthly Law Times column, Prof. Lorraine Weinrib analyzes Justice Douglas Rutherford's recent ruling in R. v. Khawaja regarding the element of motive  in the definition of "terrorist activity" ("Defining terrorism: is motive a valid concern?", November 6, 2006).

Read the full commentary on the Law Times website.

Prof. Ian Lee - "Two bad reasons for the tax on income trusts"

Friday, January 5, 2007

Prof. Ian Lee has written a commentary on the website of The Globe and Mail pointing out weaknesses in the arguments that are made to support the recent federal government move to tax income trust distributions ("Two bad reasons for the tax on income trusts," November 8, 2006).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Jacob Ziegel - "No way to run a court"

Friday, January 5, 2007

Prof. Jacob Ziegel has written a commentary in The Globe and Mail criticizing the way that judges are chosen in Canada and the changes to that process that are being proposed by the federal Minister of Justice ("No way to run a court," November 15, 2006).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Ben Alarie - "Plan for 2011"

Friday, January 5, 2007

In a commentary in the Financial Post, Prof. Ben Alarie analyzes the tax and other implications of the government's recent move to tax income trust distributions ("Plan for 2011," November 4, 2006).

Read the full commentary.