Prof. Jacob Ziegel - "Who can regulate Canadian securities?"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

In a commentary in the National Post, Prof. Jacob Ziegel provides an overview of the constitutional issues that the Supreme Court of Canada will have to consider in the Securities Act reference ("Who can regulate Canadian securities?", July 15, 2011).

Read the full article on the Faculty Blog.

Prof. Jacob Ziegel - "The right way to pick Supreme Court judges"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

In a commentary in the National Post, Prof. Jacob Ziegel analyzes the procedure announced by the federal government for the selection of new members of the Supreme Court of Canada, and calls for a better system to be implemented ("The right way to pick Supreme Court judges," August 19, 2011).

Read the full commentary.

There is no justice without access to justice: Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chief Justice doesn’t hold back in her keynote address at the Faculty of Law’s Access to Civil Justice for Middle Income Canadians Colloquium

By Lucianna Ciccocioppo

 Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin
Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin speaks at the
Access to Civil Justice for Middle Income Canadians Colloquium
(See the end of this article for a link to the webcast of her speech)

The Faculty of Law is delighted to announce new faculty members Vincent Chiao and Anthony Niblett

Saturday, November 12, 2011

(June 16, 2011) The Faculty of Law is delighted to announce Vincent Chiao and Anthony Niblett will be joining the Faculty as assistant professors this summer.

Prof. Jutta Brunnee's award-winning book featured in symposium in journal "International Theory"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Prof. Jutta Brunnée's award-winning book, Legitimacy and Legality in International Law: An Interactional Account, co-authored with Stephen J. Toope, is the subject of a print symposium in the latest issue of the journal International Theory (2011: Volume 3 - Issue 2).

The symposium includes contributions from Martti Koskenniemi, Jeffrey L. Dunoff, and Christian Reus-Smit, along an introduction and response by Jutta Brunnée and Stephen J. Toope:

Prof. Ed Morgan - "The surprise factor of Palestinian sovereignty"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

In a commentary in the Globe and Mail, Prof. Ed Morgan looks at the legal issues involved in the attempt by Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas to have the United Nations declare his country a state. He suggests it could have some unexpected results ("The surprise factor of Palestinian sovereignty," September 21, 2011).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Ed Iacobucci appointed Competition Policy Scholar at C.D. Howe Institute

Saturday, November 12, 2011

(July 7, 2011) Prof. Ed Iacobucci has been appointed Competition Policy Scholar at the C.D. Howe Institute.

“Ed will provide advice and guidance to the Institute’s Competition Policy Council, which comprises top-ranked academics and practitioners active in competition policy,” said Finn Poschmann, the Institute’s VP Research and chair of the Council. “The Council provides expert, independent analysis of emerging competition policy issues, including those potentially faced by the Competition Bureau.”

Prof. Mohammad Fadel - "Why Egyptian progressives should be chanting 'economy first'"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Prof. Mohammade Fadel has written a commentary in Foreign Policy magazine's The Middle East Channel arguing that Egypt's reformers should focus on economic issues first ("Why Egyptian progressives should be chanting 'economy first'", July 18, 2011).

Read the full article on the Foreign Policy website.

Two new faculty will join the law school: Larissa Katz and Malcolm Thorburn

Saturday, November 12, 2011
The University of Toronto Faculty of Law is pleased to announce the hiring of two new Associate Professors, who will join us as faculty members in July 2013.  Professors Larissa Katz and Malcolm Thorburn are currently Associate Professors at Queen’s University Faculty of Law, and both have been praised in the highest terms by the top scholars in their respective fields for the strength of their scholarship.