Prof. Audrey Macklin receives a prominent 2017 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Fellowship

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

By Lucianna Ciccocioppo / Photo by Sarah Coyle

Professor Audrey Macklin, Chair in Human Rights Law, is one of five scholars in Canada to receive a 2017 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Fellowship, in recognition of her outstanding scholarship and probono work advocating for immigrant and refugee rights.

Kitty Newman Memorial Award given to Prof. Anver Emon

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Prof. Anver Emon is the recipient of the 2017 Kitty Newman Memorial Award which recognizes an outstanding emerging Canadian scholar in the field of philosophy. This award is selected by a committee of disciplinary peers who are Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada.

Prof. Anver Emon one of six U of T researchers appointed to the notable Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists

Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Professor Anver Emon

The Faculty of Law’s Professor Anver M. Emon, a world-leading scholar of Islamic law, is one of six University of Toronto researchers appointed to the notable Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. In total, the College named 70 scholars to its academy today, in recognition of an emerging generation of outstanding scholarly, scientific and artistic leadership in Canada.

Prof. Jutta Brunnée elected to the Institut de Droit International

Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Professor Jutta Brunnee

Renowned public international, and environmental law scholar, Prof. Jutta Brunnée, Metcalf Chair in Environmental Law, was elected to the prestigious Institut de Droit International (Institute of International Law) in recognition of her outstanding work in this field.

Prof. Michael Trebilcock authors CD Howe report: “Ontario’s Green Energy Experience: Sobering Lessons for Sustainable Climate Change Policies”

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Dramatic electrical price increases and modest environmental benefits: these form part of the conclusions to a CD Howe report released today and authored by University Professor Michael Trebilcock, law and economics scholar at the Faculty of Law.

Inaugural Dean’s Graduate Student Leadership Awards announced

Monday, August 14, 2017

Dean Ed Iacobucci is pleased to announce the inaugural recipients of the Dean’s Graduate Student Leadership Awards: SJD students Haim Abraham and Nadia Lambek.

The award honours and recognizes the exceptional contributions of one or more graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding co-curricular and extracurricular leadership at the law school, and whose contributions have helped to make the law school an even more vibrant and inclusive scholarly community. 

"Boilerplate" scholar Professor Radin joins Faculty of Law

Friday, August 4, 2017
professor peggy radin

Contract and property law professor is an expert on 'boilerplate' contracts forced onto online consumers

By Andrew Stobo Sniderman, JD 2014

Fulbright Fellow J. R. Rothstein to be a Visiting Scholar for 2017-18

Saturday, July 29, 2017

J R Rothstein headshotFulbright Fellow J.R. Rothstein of Manhattan, New York will be a visiting scholar at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law this year to engage in a comparative law analysis regarding the role of Jewish, Islamic and secular law in the context of real estate transactions.

Prof. David Schneiderman on the US President's power to pardon

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

By Noreen Ahmed-Ullah

When U.S. President Donald Trump asserted his “complete power to pardon” on Twitter last week, speculation erupted over whether he planned to pardon relatives, aides or possibly even himself.

Professor David Schneiderman of the Faculty of Law says that while the president does have the power to pardon aides and relatives, the ability to pardon himself is up for debate.