Digital immunity passports – Morally and legally problematic?: Op-Ed by Professor Sophia Moreau

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

In an op-ed for the Toronto Star, published May 12 ("The Big Debate: Should those with immunity get a COVID-19 digital passport?") U of T Law Professor Sophia Moreau and Queen's Law Professor Sabine Tsuruda, say digital immunity passports for COVID-19 raise troubling moral and legal issues.

Adjunct Professor Mitch Frazer named Ontario Tech University’s Chancellor

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Board of Governors of Ontario Tech University has appointed Mitch Frazer, an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, as the university's fourth Chancellor. He assumes the role of Chancellor immediately and will be formally installed at a ceremony to be announced.

Professor Markus Dubber cited in Artforum

Monday, May 4, 2020

Artforum is an international monthly magazine, based in New York City, specializing in contemporary art with over 2.3 million site visitors, annually.

Author Stuart Schrader on policing and COVID-19 ("The Harm or Law") quoted research by Faculty of Law Professor and Centre for Ethics director, Markus D. Dubber:

The court backs creators, not universities: Op-Ed by Richard C. Owens

Friday, May 1, 2020

In an op-ed published in the Financial Post, April 30, lawyer and adjunct professor Richard C. Owens, discusses how universities have relied on ‘fair dealing’ provisions of the Copyright Act to photocopy material for students.

"Parliament needs to address the copyright mess the case has uncovered. For years, it has been engaged in an overdue review of the Act. But it hasn’t moved forward because the government and our copyright establishment essentially won’t support, and even opposes, our creative community. It’s time that changed." 

Google should start playing nice with the news media: Op-Ed by Richard C. Owens

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Lawyer Richard C. Owens is a senior Munk fellow of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute and an adjunct professor at the Faculty of Law. In an op-ed published April 28 in the National Post, he writes why Google should compensate the media for content provided in its news service.

Professor Douglas Sanderson for the GB Geo-Blog: COVID-19 Strategy From Indigenous Memory of Pandemics

Friday, April 24, 2020

For the Geo-Blog with Global Brief, an international affairs magazine, Faculty of Law Professor Douglas Sanderson (Amo Binashii) examines COVID-19 strategy from Indigenous memory of pandemics. He writes: 

"My purpose here, in this first post of my Geo-Blog with GB, is twofold: first, argue for the kind of government coordination that is not my people’s experience of government crisis response; and second, to say a little bit about how my people understand the nature of the problem before us."

Op-Ed by Professor Trudo Lemmens: COVID-19 triage orders mustn't work against those with disabilities

Monday, April 20, 2020

Governments need to affirm ethical and human rights obligations to persons with disabilities

In an op-ed for CBC's Opinion section published April 19, Osgoode Hall Law School Professor Roxanne Mykitiuk, director of the Disability Law Intensive Program at York University and U of T Faculty of Law and Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor Trudo Lemmens write how COVID-19 triage orders mustn't work against those with disabilities.

Confronting the Cost of Collective Action: Professor Jutta Brunnée featured by Research2Reality (R2R)

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Research2Reality (R2R) shines a spotlight on world-class scientists engaged in innovative and leading-edge research in Canada. R2R celebrates the success and impact of researchers who are shaping the new frontiers of science

Professor David Dyzenhaus named a Guggenheim Fellow

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Faculty of Law Professor David Dyzenhaus has been named a 2020-21 Guggenheim Fellow.

Established in 1925 by former United States Senator and Mrs. Simon Guggenheim, the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for individuals who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts.

Borders in the Time of COVID-19: Professor Ayelet Shachar

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Professor Ayelet Shachar

Professor Ayelet Shachar, Faculty of Law and Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (photo credit: MPI-MMG 2020)

“The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us of the significance of borders,” says University of Toronto’s Ayelet Shachar, a professor of law, political science and global affairs at the Faculty of Law and Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy.