Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Faculty of Law’s annual Welcome Day greeted, conversed and interacted with more than 150 students who have been accepted for the 2013-2014 start.

A record turnout, up about 50 students over last year, spent the day getting to know the Faculty of Law better, including the strength of its academics and co-curricular programs, financial aid and back-end debt relief, and variety of clinic programs and social activities. This year, accepted students were also divided into teams and lunched with current law students. A reception with faculty, students and staff at Victoria University, across the street from the Faculty of Law, included information about the building project and the interim space at Victoria U. Afterwards, current law students took the new admits to a pub for more informal socializing.

“I am delighted that Welcome Day keeps getting better and better,” said Alexis Archbold, assistant dean (students). “This year we saw our registration jump by 30 percent, and attendees reported higher levels of satisfaction with the program than ever before. A huge part of what works so well is the enthusiastic participation of so many of our current students and alumni. They are our best ambassadors.”

Welcome Day 2013

Welcome Day 2013