Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Walsh Family Law Moot

Photo L-R: Judith Huddart (coach), Samantha Eisen (coach), Sian Shin, Morgan Blimkie, Britney Han, Nikki Pangilinan (coach) and Kyle Girdhari.

Working in teams of two, The Walsh Family Negotiation Competition uses facts for each side of a family law dispute, with pairs negotiating with opposing teams in three successive rounds of increasing complexity.

JD students Morgan Blimkie (3L) and Sian Shin (3L) and Kyle Girdhari (2L) and Britney Han (2L) competed this year and won three awards in the top three:

  • Second Place Negotiation Plan: Sian Shin and Morgan Blimkie
  • Third Place Overall Negotiation Team: Sian Shin and Morgan Blimkie
  • Third Place Individual Student: Morgan Blimkie

The team was coached by Adjunct Professor Judith Huddart (LLB 1980) and Adjunct Moot Advisors Samantha Eisen (JD 2017), Principal & Founder, Samantha Eisen & Company and one of the firm’s family lawyers, Nikki Pangilinan (U of T BA 2018, Osgoode JD 2022).