Friday, March 30, 2012

The IHRP is pleased to report that two of our 2011 IHRP interns will be clerking at the Supreme Court of Canada in 2013.  Louis Century, who interned for the Banda defence team at the International Criminal Court, will be clerking for the Honourable Madam Justice Deschamps.  Before law school, he interned for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Kenya.  Kate Robertson, who interned at the International Centre for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), will be clerking for the Honourable Madam Justice Abella.  Kate also completed an internship at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia prior to commencing her studies at the Faculty of Law. 

“My experiences in the field of human rights were more helpful than anything else on my resume or cover letter,” said Robertson. “In every interview, I was asked about my experiences as an intern and about the transitional justice issues that I had researched.  Also, I provided the directed research project that I completed on the basis of my work at the ICTJ as one of my writing samples. This was really helpful as a contrast to the more technical legal writing I completed in contracts during 1L.”

Century also found his experiences through the IHRP to be important during his clerkship interviews.  “The ICC wasn't the only thing I spoke about in my clerkship interviews, but it certainly contributed enormously to the quality of conversations I had and the experiences I could draw upon. I owe my Supreme Court clerkship to the IHRP.”