Thursday, November 8, 2018
Group shot of Reunion in Torys Hall

By Lucianna Ciccocioppo / Photos by Dhoui Chang

Alumni enjoyed two days of Reunion in the Jackman Law building as more than 500 of our law graduates from years ending in 3 and 8 returned Oct. 26-27 to celebrate class events with us. Once again, the Osler Atrium, Bora Laskin Law Library and Torys Hall buzzed with energy and excitement as alumni reconnected Friday night and enjoyed the cocktail reception before heading off for their class dinners. This year, a lunch and panel discussion was held on the Saturday, on the Future of Legal Education and the Profession, discussing the impact of technology on legal education and practice, privacy issues and more. Student ambassadors led tours of the Jackman Law Building, pointing out architectural and historical details of the new and old spaces.

Dean Edward Iacobucci acknowledged land on which the University of Toronto operates as traditional land of Huron-Wendat, Seneca and Mississaugas of Credit River and he thanked all the class representatives for their hard work in generating excitement for the Reunion reception before their dinners. He spoke warmly and briefly and wished everyone an enjoyable time, “connecting with long-time friends and sharing memories of remarkable times.” In addition, Dean Iacobucci updated alumni on the $25 million raised to date for the Campaign for Excellence without Barriers, including $15 million specifically for student financial aid.

Alumni group shot and hug shot in Osler Atrium at Reunion

“Thank you to all here tonight who have given to support our incredibly talented, deserving students. Our heartfelt thanks to the many class bursary initiatives in particular, such as: the classes of ‘73, ‘88, ‘98, and the Peter Ballantyne Bursary, in memory of a Class of 1983 alumnus. Thank you so very much!”

Law Alumni Association President Jon Feldman said he was “thrilled to see the incredible turnout.” He thanked all the previous LAA presidents “who worked so hard to grow this tremendous alumni engagement, the fruit of which we see here tonight. And special thanks to immediate past-president, Paul Morrison, for his tireless and enthusiastic efforts to increase connections among law alumni.”

Reunion wide shot of large crowd in the Osler Atrium

He lauded Faculty of Law alumni who “have stepped up generously over the years to allow our professoriate to grow, and to build the state of the art Jackman Law Building.  And they’re stepping up again in unprecedented numbers to support student financial aid, better ensuring that we continue to fill this law building with wonderful students.”

Group shot of student ambassadors at Reunion with Instagram frame

He added: “I am truly grateful to all of you who share in this vision. We can all make a difference, and I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to consider making a donation to this important and worthy cause. I was pleased to make a gift, together with my spouse, to support the Campaign for Excellence without Barriers and I hope, if you haven’t already, you will too.

Saturday's Reunion lecture panel

As the cocktail reception wound down, and alumni headed out for their group dinners, the chatter of classmates extended well beyond the Jackman Law Building.

We’ll be working on Reunion 2019 soon for classes ending in 4 and 9. If you wish to volunteer as a class representative, please contact Alumni Affairs Coordinator Raquel Preston at or 416-946-0888.

Watch the Reunion panel discussion, "The Future of Legal Education and the Profession"
