Latest updates from the Faculty of Law building project

Thursday, December 1, 2011

New building project

The Faculty of Law new building project continues to move forward. Here are the latest renderings of the new building, including both exterior and interior images.

Prof. Ran Hirschl receives the 2011 Mahoney Prize in Legal Theory

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Julius Stone Institute of Jurisprudence in the Faculty of Law at the University of Sydney is honouring Prof. Ran Hirschl with the 2011 Dennis Leslie Mahoney Prize in Legal Theory and have invited Professor Hirschl to deliver the prestigious Julius Stone Address in 2012.

Building Campaign launches the future at a new Faculty of Law

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New benchmarks set as law firms Osler and Torys give unprecedented gifts of more than $2M each

Law Building Campaign Launch

More than 200 alumni and friends of the Faculty of Law gathered on Nov. 29, 2011 to celebrate the launch of a $53-million building campaign to position Canada’s number one law school for a future of boundless leadership, potential and vision.

Polygamy Reference Ruling Emphasizes the Rights of Children

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The decision of the British Columbia Supreme Court in the Polygamy Reference case makes a strong statement respecting the rights of children and the state obligation to protect them from harm. In a lengthy judgment, Chief Justice Bauman catalogues the volumes of evidence demonstrating the harms to women and children associated with the practice of polygamy around the world and in our own backyard, in Bountiful, British Columbia.

Prof. Jeff MacIntosh - "A mini-bubble in bioenergy stocks?"

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

In a commentary in the Financial Post, Prof. Jeff MacIntosh investigates whether a stock-market bubble is developing in bio-energy stocks ("A mini-bubble in bioenergy stocks?", November 2, 2011).

Read the full commentary on the Financial Post website.

Profs. Anita Anand and Andrew Green - "Carrots needed"

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

In a commentary in the Financial Post, Profs. Anita Anand and Andrew Green write about how the federal government could make a national securities regulator a reality if the Supreme Court makes a favourable judgement in the reference on the issue ("Carrots needed," October 26, 2011).

Read the full commentary on the Financial Post website.

IRSHP Fellow Lisa Kelly - "Why anti-john laws don't work"

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

In the Toronto Star, International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Program Fellow Lisa Kelly has co-authored a commentary with lawyer Katrina Pacey arguing against recent calls to criminalize the purchase of sexual services ("Why anti-john laws don’t work," Oct. 19, 2011).

Read the full commentary on the Toronto Star website.

IHRP Students Engage with ICC Prosecutor on Recent Visit

Friday, November 18, 2011

Andrew Max (2L) who interned at the International Criminal Court last summer, had a chance to interview the Prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, on his recent visit to Toronto.

Faculty of Law research highlighted in new U of T Social Innovation Catalogue

Friday, November 18, 2011

An ambitious new census of social innovation research at the University of Toronto highlights several different areas in which the Faculty of Law is active.