Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Prof. Lorne Sossin is one of six Ontario educators who have received a 2009 Teaching and Academic Librarianship Award from the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA).

The awards, presented by OCUFA since 1973, are designed to recognize and celebrate outstanding contributions to teaching or library activities within the Ontario university system. Recipients are nominated by a peer or administrator but each nomination requires letters of support from both colleagues and students. A selection committee comprised of Ontario university teachers who are also previous OCUFA teaching award winners makes the final decision.

Prof. Sossin said he received the surprising good news this summer. "When I learned that I was one of the OCUFA award recipients this summer my first reaction was one of surprise. I feel enormously lucky, both to be able to do for a living something that I enjoy so much and to work at a university and in a faculty that values teaching and teachers," he said.

"Recognition is always terrific but I hope awards such as this lead to more innovative pedagogy and to risk-taking in teaching in and out of the classroom."

Prof. Sossin was awarded the Mewett Teaching Award in 2003 and 2004 by Faculty of Law students.

Read the full story at News at UofT.